Jihaad and Slaves

Intention for joining the military was to serve one's religion

Q: I am an ex-military pilot. I was forced to leave the military by some high-ranking officials due to their ego. I never imagined my life away from jihad. I dreamt of getting martyred in the battlefield.

Please tell me how this will be compensated and what reward will there be for me on the Day of Judgement for my nine years of jihad. Will I be counted as a Ghazi or Shaheed, or none? Remember, my pure intention was to serve my religion and nothing else.

This setback has left me in complete depression and stress.

Keeping non-Muslim women as slaves

Q: In Islam, it has been allowed to have intimacy with slave women and to even have children from them. Islam also prescribes the rights of slave women which are the responsibility of the master. And slave women traditionally have been the unbeliever women, who were purchased or captured during wars they waged on Muslims.

My question is that, can a wealthy Muslim man living in a non Muslim country, exercise the provision of keeping unbeliever women as slaves? Whereas unbeliever women are willing to live with him (with free will) on the same rights/conditions prescribed in Islam for slave women. What is the ruling on keeping non Muslim slave women this way?

Attacking places of worship

Q: I am a reverted Muslim from Hinduism from India. One thing is confusing me, but I am not finding any suitable person to analyse the answer properly. So, I thought to ask online to know the answer from salafi scholars.

My question is regarding the attacking of non-muslim countries and other things. As per salafi explanation I have come to know that the ruler of the country either Muslim or non-muslim cannot be attacked as a citizen of that country. And also I heard that the common non-muslim people should not be attacked both at their worshipping temple and outside worshipping places.

So first question is - when the Muslim rulers attacked India and some of them destroyed temples of Hindu people, how much it is allowed according to Islam? I mean to say, does Islam allow to attack and destroy the worshipping places and idols of the non-muslims in public places? If it is so, then how it is logical to say that non-muslim govt. should be tolerated?

My second question is - if any non-muslim country is attacked, then slaves can be got from the fight. In this present situation of today's time, how much it is justified as muslim nation to attack any non-muslim nation, capture people and make them slaves? Is it necessary to make free people slaves? Actually this question I am asking, because Islam has not stopped slavery by the process of war. We know that slavery in Islam is not because of inspiring slavery, but to remove slavery from society fully from society in a gradual way. But sometimes I have faced this question that on the context of the present world, if any non-muslim country is attacked by any muslim country, then how much it will be justified to make the non-muslim educated captured people specially women as slaves?

My last question is, does islam permit a non-muslim to build his temple in public in any islamic country?