Nafl Salaah in Jamaat

Performing nafil Salaah in jamaat

Q: During Ramdhaan in the Haramain both at Makkah and Madinah they conduct Tahajjud namaaz in Jamaath during the last 10 days from 1 am to 2.30 am. Following this now a days the same method is being followed in mosques in our country (India) as well and also women participate in this congregation but of course in a enclosure segregated for women. Also now a days women attend Jummah namaaz in mosques on a regular basis. Please give your expert option on these two issues.

Nafil Salaah in jamaat

Q: Qiyaam-ul-layl: I am a Hanafi  living in an area where, unfortunately, many do not follow a set mazhab. One of the brothers requested that 'Qiyaam-ul-layl' be performed in jamaat during Ramadaan. From his description, I understand this to be tahajjud salaah (as we have already
arranged for Taraweeh salaah). Is it permissible to perform any nafl salaah in jamaat?

Qiyum-ul-layl (Tahajud) in congregation in the month of Ramadhaan

Q: During the last 10 days of Ramadan brothers in our Masjid Perform Qiyum-ul-layl (Tahajud) in congregation. Would like to know if this is permissible, if not then what should we do if you are doing Itikhaff in the masjid. One scholar told has that Deoband has given a special permission to perform Tahajud in Congregation during the last 10 days of Ramadan.