Shares in a Qurbaani Animal

The method of distributing the seven shares of a big qurbaani animal

Q: Could Mufti Saheb kindly explain the correct procedure regarding the distribution of 7 shares of the qurbani carcass of a big animal.

How stringent is the rule of equal shares and what leeway is there for any shortcomings in the equal distribution of the meat?

The immediate distribution of the animal is difficult where a large number of cattle are slaughtered in the same facility, and often all the shareholders are not even present. The carcass is also cut into quarters and put into cold storage. It is only sliced a few days or even few weeks later.

In this regard, what is the Sharee position of the following:

1. Can all the seven shareholders appoint the farm owner as the wakeel to allocate the shares?

2. Can the wakeel then do part of the distribution immediately after the slaughter, such as allocate one trotter each to each shareholder and parts of the offal to the rest, then give any shareholder his share of the trotters or offal or distribute it to the poor on his behalf with his permission in his absence?

3. If the part distribution immediately upon slaughter as mentioned in 2 above is valid, must the distribution of the remainder of the shares after slicing still be totally equal, or with the consent of all the parties will some greater / lesser amount in the shares be overlooked?

Two shareholders putting in extra money to bring down the share price in a cow

Q: A family wishes to slaughter a cow for qurbaani. However, some of the members are on a budget. In order to please the parents, can 2 shareholders put in extra to bring down the share price of the others, making it affordable? (e.g. The purchase price of the animal with which the parents are happy is R28 000. 2 shareholders will pay R5000 each and the rest will pay R3600.) Only the 2 shareholders paying more is aware of the extra and keeping it a secret from the others not to offend them and also to keep them happy.