Pride and Jealousy

Cure for jealousy

Q: What are some reasons behind someone feeling jealous so easily? And how can one change their mind to gratitude and self-satisfaction?

If someone continously feels jealousy unintentionally when they are trying to remove it repeatedly, and they still feel heart hardening, is this still jealousy? I feel it severely maybe because of arrogance or wanting praise and recognition.

Is there any difference between envy and jealousy in Islam?

Adopting humility


1. How can one be humble? How does humility feel like in the heart? Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Rahimahullah) said that true humility is not felt by a person just like a sleeping person doesn't know he is sleeping. What are the steps one can take to ensure they have no pride in their heart?

2. If someone makes tawbah sincerely, their sins are forgiven. How can one balance this with humility? Humility means seeing ourselves sinful and useless. If one does their best to make tawbah, how can they still feel sinful?

3. Is it against humility to like good traits one has as part of gratefulness to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aalaa)? How can one differentiate between 'ujb and happiness?

Thoughts of showing off

Q: If you get thoughts, urges or daydream about showing off your worship to other people so they will praise you but you don't act on the thoughts or urges, would you be still a sinful? Basically they are just thoughts, desires and urges of showing off in your heart but you don't physically show off.

If you get thoughts or daydream or images in your mind of shirk and kufr but never act on them physically, they are just in your mind, would you come out of Islam or become a disbeliever? 


Q: An ustaad said here in a sermon about the characteristics of people that have riya (besides showing off ibadah), kindly answer yes if any of this is true:

1.) If a person is always concerned about other peoples opinion, then he is not free from riya.

2.) If he has a desire in his heart and is eager to be praised, noticed, appreciated & admired by the people then he is not also free from riya.

3.) If he is always concerned about how to please people, then he is not free from riya.

4.) If he fears the criticism of (un-Islamic) people, he is not free from riya.

5.) If he constantly worrys about what people might think about him , he is not free from riya.

6.) If a person is free from any of the abovementioned, then he can assure that he is safe from riya. This kind of shocked me because I thought riya was just showing off your ibadaah to people.