
Having meals with non-mahrams

Q: Is it permissible for me to sit and eat with my girl cousins while her father, mother, brother and my mother are also seated there.

Also, can I say جَزَاكَ اللَّهُ خَيْرًا and speak about general things like Madrasah with her mother, who is my mother's brother's wife while they are wearing abaya and scarf but part of their hair or neck is exposed?

Purdah with non-mahram family men

Q: I would like advice regarding the following matter:

In our family, it is a norm that the women who are in parda don’t make parda from our family men but they make parda from everyone else. I did the same when I first went into parda but Alhumdulilah with the encouragement from my apas, Allah granted me the taufeeq to wear parda correctly (i.e for all ghair mahram men). 

My family is not in favor of this decision.

1. An elder has reprimanded me for making parda for my mothers sisters husbands due to the fact that I cannot marry them. What should my reply be to such statements since it is an elder? They adamantly tell me to take it out and sit on the eating table.

2. If my uncles (non mahram) enter the kitchen or the area where the females are and they greet me I reply. I avoid any type of conversation with them. But someone had brought it to my attention that this is hurting their feelings as I use to treat them as if they were my fathers from a young age. Am I correct in what I am doing?

3. Some people say that it is sufficient to just avoid talking to all of these non mahram family men and not wear parda in front of them if ones family is like how my family is. Is this correct?

Purdah from one's male cousins

Q: In islam one is meant to keep strict pardah in front of ones cousins. I am Aware of a Girl who after becoming baaligh has done things which are wrong she has exposed her body to her cousins brothers and vise versa she had allowed one of her cousins to play a filthy action of him doing jima in the condition they both had clothes on she has allowed them to touch and feel her. They were the early stages of her becoming baaligh she doesn't know why she allowed such things to happen. She regrets and has remorse over such wrong doings as well as asking Allah Ta'ala for forgiveness is there anything she could do?

Purdah between husband's and wife's children from previous marriages

Q: Is there purdah between the husband's baligh son and the wife's baligh daughter from a previous marriage? Would they become milk brothers and sisters if the new wife has a baby from her husband and breast feeds the baby? Will the breast feeding of this mutual brother and sister render his and her children milk siblings. Please explain the ruling according to hanafi and shafi.