Discharging zakaat

Zakaat related questions

Q: I had a couple of questions about Zakat:

  1. I became saahib-e-nisaab in Rabi-al-Awwal. However in order to gain the blessings of Ramadan I wanted to give my zakat during that month. In 1433 I gave my zakat funds in Rabi-al-Awwal as per my cycle, and in Ramadan 1433 (same year) I gave zakat on the estimated amount I would have in the following year- Rabi-al-Awwal 1434 (which I then verified in Rabi-al-Awwal to ensure the full zakat had been discharged based on the actual amount I had).  Is it now possible for me to switch my zakat cycle to every Ramadan? Or if I have to pay in Ramadan, do I still have to calculate it each year based on the projected amount for the next Rabi-al-Awwal?
  2. My brother and mother had asked me to pay Zakat to someone on their behalf and then they would transfer the funds later. I made the payment and then we later forgot to do the transfer and I just came across the amounts in a note I made back then. I don't really want to take the money from them money now - would their obligation be fulfilled if I paid the zakat on their behalf from my money and didn't take it from them?

Wakeel discharging zakaat from his own money

Q: At times people give me their zakaat to discharge on their behalf. Once I gave from my personal money thinking that I will take it later from an amount of zakaat kept away. When I went to replace the money, I realized that the amount was already dicharged. A few days later, I received another amount of zakaat. Will it be correct for me to replace my personal money from the second amount of zakaat although my intention was to take it from the first amount?

Offsetting a debt

Q: If I have lent some money to a needy friend and the latter is absconding from repayment and is avoiding me, can I later consider this money as zakaat without telling him that I am considering the sum due as zakaat to him?

Giving Zakaat before its due time

Q: I told the brothers they can pay zakah earlier then the time it is due. Example Ramadaan is in a week so give it now to benefit the poor. The people said it makes no sense. They said, then why can I not fast a month earlier. Why can I not pray salaah a day before. Is it that we can give zakaah earlier because it is to benefit the poor? Can you please help me answer this brother.