
Abusive parent

Q: What are the obligations of a child to a parent who has emotionally abused their children and refuses to take responsibility or pay any bills relating to the children and household expenses? If this parent keeps late hours and is difficult to live with, can the children move out or make him move out (with the help of other relatives)? And will my lack of affection toward this parent ( my father) be a sin? I am afraid of him testifying against me on judgment day, but to be honest I feel life would be easier without him in my life. Am I evil for feeling this way? Please advise as I am very distressed about this.

Pleasing one's father

Q: I would appreciate your insight into a family concern we are having at the moment. My father (a widower) is getting old, he is 78 years of age and currently lives on his own in a house 80 miles from my 2 sisters and 200 miles from me (the only son). Allahamdollilah over the years he has been in good health and is fully autonomous. But a recent event (a minor heart attack) have made us all question what is the right thing to do. Right now as the son, I am with him for at least a month to ensure he gets his full energy back. Beyond that though we have to think about the future and what is the right thing to do. My own current situation is that only within the last 2 years has my job situation become better (since moving to London). I am 33 and live in London (still single) whereas my father lives in Manchester 200 miles away. My sisters (who are settled with families) on numerous occasions have asked him to move to Birmingham (80 miles from where he lives) but he does not want to move there. The question is, I understand that as the son I have a duty of care to my father, but does that have to be at the expense of my own future? My line of work is not common in Manchester (where my father lives) and any jobs that do exist there are not very well paid. I do not have my own property in London so it is not possible for him to move down and also rent prices are high and he would not be willing to live in London anyway. He wants to stay where he is, does that mean as children we have to adapt our lives to accommodate his wishes?

Daughter seeing her father having relations

Q: If a daughter looks at her parents having sex through a small hole. She was young and saw her dad's penis erected and looked for a little while and then felt discharge within her while looking. She can't remember exactly if there was lust with in her but she just looked at her mum and dad having relations and saw her dad's penis erected. But can't remember exactly if she had lust or she looked just so. But she said she don't think she would have lust for her dad. Is her parents nikaah valid?

Taking the money owed to one by one's father from his money

Q: My dad owes me some money, however he thinks that whatever money I give him, he doesn't have to pay me back. However I am the one that looks after his money fully. He keeps his savings with me also. Would it be permissible for me to take my money without telling him, he will not realise that I have taken my money as it is a very little amount. If I ask for my money back he may get upset and offended.

Viewing one's father having relations with one's step mother

Q: I was about 17 18 years old and I saw my dad and step mum having sex, well they were not actually having sex my step mum was holding my dad private part penis and it was erected and I can't remember exactly if I have seen the whole things or part but I saw it and can't remember exactly. Now I just looked and moved away. I didn't have no feelings, no lust, no desire for my dad I just peeped through and look through a small hole. I didn't have no desire or lust for my dad. I just look but after I felt little discharge because when you see stuff like that naturally your body release that liquid but I didn't have lust. Even when I see couple kissing or romancing I get that discharge. Actually when I was looking, I was frightened and I felt bad and my heart was beating fast and I was scared. I didn't have any lustful feelings for him. I just looked. I was not married and I am not sure if I was engaged. Is my dad's nikaah valid with my step mum?

Mother getting the daughter married without the permission of the father

Q: I have  a lot of proposals for my daughter but they are not good. They dont pray and haram income. One good proposal came, he prays and is always attending the masjid and halaal income Masha Allah, but her father refused him because he is not from Yemen, he is from Libya and half Egyptian. Can I marry my daughter by force with out my husband's consent in this situation because he would rather give her to a zany as long as he is from Yemen then a practicing Muslim from a different country. What can I do in this situation.