
Sunnah qiraat on Fridays


1) On Friday mornings in Fajr Salaah (farz), the Imaams of the Musjid as well as the Musallis finds it difficult for surah-sajdah to be recited in the first rakaat, and then surah-dahr in the second. Therefore, by one Imaam (Zaid) spiltting up surah-sajdah in two rakaats on one Friday morning and then the other Imaam (Bakr) splitting up surah-dahr in two rakaats on the next Friday morning; will we still be fulfilling the Sunnah?

2) Is it Sunnah to recite Surah Jumuah on Friday mornings in Fajr Salaah? (farz)

3) Is it Sunnah to recite Surah A'laa and Surah Ghaashiyah on Friday mornings in Fajr Salaah? (Farz)

Reciting in one's mind in Salaah

Q: A few years had passed where I used to recite Qirat and tasbeehaat in Salaah silently. Do I need to repeat all those Salaah? Most of my Salaah I performed was with jamaat. However, in that 8 year period I am not sure how many Salaah I performed individually. How would I calculate how many Salaah I need to redo in this instance?

Reciting Surah Ikhlaas in the first two rakaats of fardh Salaah


1. Dua I read in tashahud is: Attehhiyyatu, attayibatu, assalavatu, azzakiyyatu Lillahi. Assalamu ala nabiyi va rahmatalluahi va barakatuhu, assalamu aleina va ale ibadillahi ssalihin…. I read it was narrated by Aisha (Radiyallahu Anha) that after the death of our Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) this dua was recited. Could you please tell me how authentic this hadeeth is?

2. Can I be reading this dua instead of assalamu aleyka ayyuhen nabiyu…. If I feel inside of me that I am calling to Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and it gives me waswasa that I am making shirk? Will my salah be valid in shaa Allah? And if I have no waswasa but just like this dua more because it gives me no doubts and there is no direct addressing to Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), is it ok to read it?

3. I like to read Surah ikhlaas in the first two rakahs of fard namaz and in all rakahs of Sunnah namaz. I absolutely love this Surah and I know hadeeth that someone also always read it in all rakahs and nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said that Allah also loves you for loving this surah. Can I continue doing so in shaa Allah? Please explain why you say it is makrooh so I can explain to my friends too?

4. In case your answer is negative in 3, can I be reading in the first rakah - surah fatiha, ihlas and first verse of falaq and in second rakah – surah fatiha and Ihlaas? I know so far - fatiha, ihlas falak, nas and ayat al kursi. But I hope in shaa Allah to read ihlas in all rakahs is not a problem, please kindly answer.

Qiraat in Salaah

Q: I got two questions;

1. Do we need to recite anything while praying behind an Imam? Is it compulsory to read a surah?

2 When we reciting fathiha or a surah in a prayer, what if we do a mistake and we realize it at the moment, what shall we do? Example 01- When we reciting surah al naas and after recitng half we random come up with another verse of another surah like surah al quraysh. Example 02, when we reciting surah al nas half and what if we cant remember the other half ? Can we skip the surah?

Incorrect recitation

Q: I realized that I was reading surah Ikhlas pausing in letter Mim (everywhere where it has sukun in this surah) in last ayats making it as double letter – shadda. Does it change the meaning? If during salah I realize I did it again, do I have to start salahs from the beginning or I have to make sajda-sawh or can proceed without it as normal? Could you please also let me know, is it true that kaza of sunna of fajr cant be made in a fajr time, but has to be made any other time after fajr?

Trying to pronounce the letters correctly

Q: I would like in shaa Allah to ask about things I face during my salah as every time I wonder if they break my salah or not. Allah created me in a way that it is a bit difficult for me to say letter R. In normal life its not obvious, no one even notices it, even me, but when it comes to say rrrrrrrrrr then I cant do that, which means Bismillehirrahmanirrahim is a bit difficult for me to say, I loose the sound of R if I am in my relaxed state. I have to give real efforts in order to pronounce it. My efforts don’t help much, R is still not so clear and I feel I only lose concentration in salah. Do I have to be making efforts or can be relaxed, how important is to pronounce R clearly? It’s the way Allah created me, can I be relaxed in my salah in shaa Allah? Other things that I experience during salah: last H in bismillehirrahmanirrrahim doesn’t come as soft as needed from my throat, because I loos air already saying all other letters in this words, so if it comes a bit harder then must be, if its close to the other Ha, is it something that voids my salah or requires sajda-sawh? In siratalmustaqim, letter Ta is difficult for me to say real hard, as to say R takes me to open my mouth and then its inconvenient for me to pronounce Ta hard as it must be. I should try to pronounce it correct but would like to know if mistake in this letter breaks salah? If saying D in gayrilmehDubi softer then it must be break salah? As above, in bismillehirrahmanirrahim, I cant stay long in double R, so I feel that I say double R, but sometimes feel I was to fast, is it ok or voiding salah? I noticed, when I try to say second double R properly, and then I have no air enough to say H in Rrahim soft as needed. In subhanerabbiyelA’le its hard for me to make a pausa in Ain as I was taught. Is any of these mistakes above break salah, require to read it again or require sajda-sawh, could you please let me know?