
Doubts in Surah Faatiha

Q: In my 'Asr Salaah I recited a verse of Surah Faatihah and whilst reciting I thought I made a mistake, and thought I'd repeat that verse and I didn't
stop reciting until I finished the verse, and then I recited again, but during the verse in which I thought I made a mistake, I was like “Shouldn't I stop?" But I carried on until finishing that verse; now I wonder, does this count as a purpose addition in prayer by finishing the verse in which I thought to have made a mistake? And is my Salaah valid?

Performing one rakaat

Q: First rakat of ishaa I said 'Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem' but then I don't know whether I said the ha or HA with 'Ar-Raheeem'. I chose to ignore it as a doubt. During Salah I made many mistakes and corrections in the essential aspects - then after completing the prayer [all four rakaats] I ended prayer and did two sujood uh sahw. I went downstairs to get a drink, came back up then I still had the niggling doubt about whether I said ha or HA in 'Ar-Raheem' so I thought like you know it hasn't been a long time since I made Salaam so I said takbir and performed 1 rakaat in replacement of the rakaat in which I doubted with the full tashahhud and exited prayer and did two prostrations of forgetfulness Now plz tell me is my prayer valid or not?