
Pronouncing few words incorrectly in salaah


1. I recited ‘saliheen’ with a bottom throat ‘ha’ and noticed during the middle of reciting it during the enlongation of the last syllable. During the elongation of ‘heen’, even after I realised, I still pronounced it with my lower throat. Is this considered intentionally reciting something wrong and did it invalidate my prayer?

2. During the du’a portion of Witr, I usually recite Rabbana Atina Fidunya 3 times. The second time I recited it, it felt like I had recited ‘Rabbana atina fidunya hasanatan wa qina adhabanar’ as opposed to the correct full invocation. Because of my uncertainty, can I assume my prayer is sound?

Reciting an aayah incorrectly in salaah


1. If an Imaam recited an aayah of Surah Naba incorrectly in the fardh of Esha i.e. instead of reciting لاَ يَتَكَلَّمُونَ إلّٰا مَنْ أَذِنَ لَهُ الرَّحْمٰنُ, he recited لاَ يَتَكَلَّمُونَ مَنْ أَذِنَ لَهُ الرَّحْمٰنُwill the salaah break?

2. If the salaah breaks, then if among the muqtadis there was a person who was a musaafir, should the musaafir muqtadi repeat four rakaats or two rakaats?

3. If the mistake was in Esha salaah and the Esha has to be repeated, then will a person who has performed witr after the esha salaah have to repeat the witr salaah as well? 

Reciting from different surahs in salaah

Q: In one musjid, the Imam Saheb read in the first rakaat of Fajr Salaah from the middle of Surah Tahreem,

يا أيها الذين آمنوا قوا أنفسكم و اهليكم

till the end of the Surah. Then in the second rakaat he read a different surah. Is there any reason for doing so? Would it not be better to start at the beginning of the Surah, read 2 pages, then in the second rakaat finish off the Surah?