Rukoo and Qaumah

Few questions regarding Salaah

Q: I would just like to get clarity on a few aspects of Salaah (hanafi).

  1. What is the correct way of performing ruku, does one say Allahu akbar first and then bend down, or does one say Allahu akbar in the motion of bending?
  2. In witr Salaah, does one drop their hands and then raise it for dua Qunoot, or can one raise their hands directly from the folded position?
  3. After salaah, I know it's sunnah to say Astaghfirullah thrice, is it also sunnah to say Allahu akbar once then astaghfirullah thrice?
  4. Is salaah valid if in a 4 rakaats fard salaah, after surah Fatiha of the 3rd rakaah, you say just 'bis' of Tasmiyah before realising you don't read a surah now? If it is valid, what is the maximum length of Tasmiyah which may have been recited mistakenly without invalidating Salaah?

Reciting the Tasbeehaat of Salaah is such a way that one can hear himself

Q: I have a question with regards to method of performing salaah. If one is performing salaah, whether alone or in jamaah, should the person recite his tasbeehat in a manner that the next person can audibly hear what he is reading or should the brother read it softly so that the next brother cannot hear what the brother is reading. 

Folding one's hands after ruku when praying behind a imaam who reads longer zikr than ''Rabbana lakal hamd''

Q: Must a Hanafi fold his hands after ruku when he prays behind a imaam who does longer zikr than ''Rabbana lakal hamd'' such as;

رَبَّنا وَلَكَ الحَمْدُ حَمْداً كَثيراً طَيِّباً مُبارَكاً فيه

Rabbana wa laka l-h'amd, h'amdan kathiran tayyiban mubaarakan fih