Various Masaail on Qadha Salaah

Performing qadha salaah

Q: I started praying five times a day. Now I realize that I lost almost 25 years of praying. So according to this I was praying all this month but not regularly so Ramadan regularly praying almost praying for other days as well morning. Was it as well so I feel almost 10 years has been done now remaining 15 years prayers out there so I calculated for 15 years. So I need to clear 5475 pending prayers it is just an approximately figure please suggest advise me on this one

Making qadha for Salaah missed intentionally

Q: If a person misses zuhur salaah intentionally and it is time for asr. So can he make up zuhur prayer after asr or before asr?.I asked this to scholar and read on which says it is a difference of opinion. The most sound opinion is it is not permissible to make up as qazaa salaah. I see a lot of people in India making up missed prayer after the time has passed but I tell them it is not permissible and they argue. Please explain.


Q: I'm a hanafi by maslakh. My question is about qaza e umri. Is qaza e umri to be offered or not. If yes please give the daleel in the light of Qur'an and Hadith. Few of my friends confused me as I don't have the daleel.

Qadha Salaah

Q: Please confirm if the following way is correct or not? If one has a lot of Qada to complete, then one must perform them quickly. One may recite Subhaan-Allah (سبحان الله) 3 times instead of Sura Fateha only in the empty Rakaats (the third and fourth Rakaats in 4 Rakaat Fard (i.e.Zohr, Asr and Esha) or the third Rakaat in 3 Rakaat Salaah (Maghrib). There is no harm if one reads one Tasbeeh instead of three in the Ruku and Sojood. The Fard will be completed. One may read this Darood Shareef (Salawaat) اللهم صل على سيّدنا محمد و آله in Tashahud instead of the complete Darood-e-Ibraheem. In Witr, read رب اغفري once instead of the complete Du’a-e-Qonoot.