Calculating Qadha Salaah

Calculating missed Salaahs and Fasts

Q: I am 18 years old. Due to my ignorance I am unsure of when I became baaligh. And, therefore I am unsure of how to calculate my missed Salaah and missed fasts. I used to masturbate from a young age, and hence did not have a wet dream after I was the age of 15. I have now given up this act and have seeked for forgiveness in Allah. I feel more confident that I became baaligh due to masturbation, during or past the age of 13. I have come to this conclusion by reflecting on my personal memories, and researched into my internet history by finding the videos/websites I ashamed of viewing to give a better approximation to the time of year I would have became baaligh, which indicates towards me being 13. Therefore, I have more reason to believe that I would have become baaligh during or past the age of 13, but I am unsure if I am being lenient / biased to myself. My only reservation is that I have a vague memory of what I think is think is the discharge of 'mazi' (through masturbation), I am unsure if it was mazi as it was a thin fluid which was discharged in small drops, which did not compare to what I can more vividly remember of mani past the age of 13. Also, because I cannot recall this memory in it's entirety I do not know whether this was between the age of 12-13. And, therefore do not know if should calculate my missed Salaah and fasts from age 12 or not. Do I ignore this doubt and continue to calculate my missed Salaah and fasts from the age of 13? Also, as I am a student, I do not have a lot of money that I can give to charity, and thus I am also wondering what righteous deeds I can perform along side my repentance? Due to me committing these major sins.

Question relating to Qadha Salaah


  1. What is the procedure of doing missed Qada namaz of last 10 years, approximately 500 salaahs?
  2. What will be intention?
  3. How many Rakat for each salat?
  4. Is there qada for witr?
  5. As I have lots of missed namaz, can I do qada salat instead of doing any nawafil as well tahajud? Please explain in detail so that I can do it.

Performing qadha Salaah from the time one became baaligh

Q: When I was young and ignorant, I used to have bad habits. Two of these included masturbation as well as neglect of salaah. Nevertheless, Alhamdulillah, with the Hidayat of Allah I have mended my ways. My question is, I want to make up for the missed Salaah. Should I start making up from when I was 15, or from when I was 12 when I ejaculated? I am not sure when my ejaculations were clear and when it started becoming milky in appearance.