Travelling in the State of Haidh

The Salaah of a woman who travelled the safar distance in the state of haidh

Q: I would like to find out the Shar’ee ruling regarding a woman who travels the safar distance in the state of haidh, and only becomes clean upon reaching her destination. If she intends staying for less than fifteen days at her destination, will she perform full Salaah or will she make qasar? I am a student studying in a Madrasah and I always understood that a woman who travels in haidh will perform full Salaah at her destination if she becomes clean at her destination. However, another student who is in the final year recently mentioned to me that there are two opinions in this maslah and that the more correct opinion is that she will perform qasar Salaah at her destination. The student supported his claim by presenting four arguments.

The first argument is that when a woman in haidh travels during the month of Ramadhaan, her intention for travelling is considered and she receives the concession of not fasting.

The second argument is that when a woman in haidh enters into ihraam, her intention of entering into ihraam is considered. When the intention of a woman travelling in haidh is considered in these two masaail, why is her intention not considered for the concession of qasar Salaah when she becomes clean at her destination?

The third argument he presented is that when a kaafir travels the safar distance and accepts Islam upon reaching his destination, he will make qasar. When a kaafir will make qasar, why should a woman who travels in the state of haidh not make qasar?

The fourth argument he presented is that from the Hanafi jurists, this view (that the woman will perform qasar when she becomes clean at her destination) was held by Allaamah Abu Ja’far Hinduwaani (Rahimahullah), who is the most senior Faqih from all the Hanafi Fuqaha who have discussed this maslah in their kitaabs. Hence, his view is the strongest and it should be preferred over the view of the other Fuqaha.

Mufti Saheb, could you explain to me the reasoning of the student, as I do not understand it, and could you explain to me whether the reasoning is correct and conforms to the preferred view in the Hanafi Mazhab? If what the student said is incorrect, then could you provide me with the correct explanation of these masaail?