Salaah for a woman who completed her haidh at home but only made ghusl after reaching her destination which was safr distance

Q: A woman completes her haidh at home but only has a ghusl after reaching her destination which is muaafir distance. Will she read salaah as a musaafir or not?

A: If the Haidh ended upon ten days (which was conforming to her Haidh habit) and then she set out on safar and only made ghusl upon reaching her destination, she will read Qasr salaah at her destination. However, if her habit was less than ten days e.g. seven days, and the blood stopped upon her habit, she will only be regarded as paak after she makes ghusl or the time of one entire salaah elapses and the salaah becomes qadhaa upon her. Hence, in this case, if she travelled safar distance and only performed ghusl after reaching her destination (and no salaah became qadhaa upon her), she will perform full salaah at her destination.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)