Qasar Salaah and Full Salaah

Musaafir unsure whether he will stay for more than 14 days in one place

Q: If am not sure whether till 7th Zil Haj, it will be 14 or 15 days in Makkah before we leave for Mina. Can we do any of the below:

1. Can we pray qasr salah in Makkah, Mina, etc. by making an intention of 14 days only, even if it increases to a day (making it to 15) depending on the moon sighting?

2. We pray full salah making intention of 15 days, but Zul Qadah month stops on 29th making it to only 14 days depending on moon sighting?

Which is a good method to follow here?

Musaafir unsure if he will stay for more than 14 days in one place

Q: I have performed Hajj last year with my family and I have few questions. I forgot to check with any mufti before leaving but as per my calculation we stayed in Makkah before leaving for Mina (5th aug 00:00 to 19th aug 03:00) and I thought it was 14 days. As per my calculation we prayed Qasr salah.

Later I got confused and thought whether we should have prayed full as it could have been 15 days. Also, it depended on the moon sighting. After Hajj, I clarified with some mufti and he said it was okay and don't put your mind in stray thoughts.

I am confused since then and also repented to Allah to forgive if I did wrong. I am worried that I took my family and didn't guide them properly. Is Hajj affected with this or what we did was correct?

Musaafir changing his intention

Q: My question is regarding a musaafir:

A person left Verulam with the intention of going to Pietermaritzburg (this is safr distance). On his way, he stops in Chatsworth and changes his mind and says that he is going back home so he reads 4 rakaats asr in Chatsworth as he was told that he is no more a musaafir. Is this correct? When does he become a muqeem and does he have to repeat his asr salaah?

Travelling safar distance

Q: Is it allowed to have 2 watan iqamah at one time?

Does leaving my “watan iqamah”, make my watan iqamah no longer my watan iqamah?

(Does traveling from my watan iqamah make my watan iqamah batil)?

For example - London is my watan iqamah (I’m staying there with intention of 2 years), if I travel to Rome from London, and then I have a flight to Dubai from Rome with a 1 day layover in London. When I’m in London for 1 day, will I pray full or qasr? Basically, when I left my watan iqamah for a few days, will that make my watan iqama null and void? Even if I plan on coming back to it after some time?