Upon Whom is Fasting Obligatory

Not fasting in the month of Ramadhaan on account of taking part in a soccer event

Q: The company I work for hosts a soccer event once a year for all African countries and this year the event falls in Ramadaan. They have tried their best to look for alternate dates but because there will be 700 participants they cannot get get accommodation at any other time. They are very concerned about the +/- 15 Muslim participants and the ruling regarding fasting for these travellers from Senegal and Ivory Coast.

Please can you advise on the correct ruling regarding exemption in this regard.

Fasting being given priority over nafl ibaadat

Q: I would like to fast and try and see how far I can make it. The problem is that when I tried fasting last year, the medications I take for epilepsy are much stronger without food so I end up waking up after 11 or 12 noon most of the time and then don't have much energy for tilawat, zikr, etc.

Should I give fidya and put my tilawat, zikr, duaa, etc. first or fast? For me it's a matter of nafl or fardh, which is more important, the fast or the ibaadah and tilawat?

Not fasting in the month of Ramadhaan due to exams

Q: I am a student in Saudi Arabia studying in a private school in Dammam. Our school recently changed their examination dates. The problem is that Ramadhaan is during these days.

My question is that is it permissible for a student to skip 2 or 3 days of fasting for exams? I might not be able to concentrate on an empty stomach during the exam and while studying for it.

Missing out the fasts of Ramadhaan due to playing soccer professionally

Q: My son plays soccer for South Africa PSL soccer.This is his profession and he earns his rozi from this. He lives on his own, as I reside in Asia and he is responsible for all his living expenses. Every year he fasts during Ramadaan even though he is training daily and also playing matches with his team. This sets him back physically from his peers at least two months. This year, Ramadaan falls in the pre-season period, during which his team will be doing intensive training and drills, it is a crucial period for him as the coach chooses players for the next season which commences early august immediately after pre-season. He is 20 years old and this is not considered young in the world of sport, he does not have time or room for slacking behind the other players anymore. He has been playing since the age of 14 and age will soon be against him. Is there an Islamic ruling/law/fatwa that can excuse him from Ramadaan fasting this year seeing that his career depends on his performance during June and July this year? Maybe some kind of penalty he can pay?