
Pulling a person back from the front saff in Jamaat Salaah

Q: If a person comes last in the masjid and there is no space in the first row

1. Should he slightly pull a person from the first row to stand next to him?

2. If the person from the first row comes back to join the person standing alone in the back, what should be the duty of the men who were standing left and right of the person who went back? Should they remain in their places or move closer? What is the proper way to fill that space? 

Reading qasr salaah at home

Q: I am staying in a hostel and doing my 1st year college. When I come home for the weekend, I offer salaah as a musaafir by offering 2 rakaats zuhr, 2 rakaats asr, 3 rakaats maghrib and 2 rakaats isha. My house is 177 km away from the hostel. Is it right? How many km should it be for me to be a musaafir?

Commencing salaah with Surah Fatiha

Q: I read in tafseer Ibn kathir that Surah Fateha has seven verses in it and there are some Hadith also there in that tafseer from two sahihs that Bismillahir rahman nir Raheem is a first verse of Surah Fateha. There are only seven verses in Surah Fateha. Now, I saw in Sahih Bukhari Narrated From Anas bin Malik (radhiyallahu anhu): Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu anhu) and 'Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) used to start the prayer with "Alhamdulillahi rabbil aala min" Vol-1,book 12, number 710. ( Sahih Bukhari-- characteristics of prayer). Now, what should we start the prayer with?

Making qadha for Salaah missed intentionally

Q: If a person misses zuhur salaah intentionally and it is time for asr. So can he make up zuhur prayer after asr or before asr?.I asked this to scholar and read on which says it is a difference of opinion. The most sound opinion is it is not permissible to make up as qazaa salaah. I see a lot of people in India making up missed prayer after the time has passed but I tell them it is not permissible and they argue. Please explain.