
Women's Salaah

Q: I read here that women in ruku must touch her knees only by the tips of her fingers and in sajda has to touch ground with her elbows and has to bring her thighs together.

1. If I forget any of these things in some rakah or in all due to forgetfulness will my salah be still valid in shaa Allah?

2. Can I continue doing as I was doing before, holding knees with whole hands and lifting elbows from the ground as I feel more comfortable like this and afraid to resemble a dog? My arms feel too long and loose if I don’t hold knees properly.

3. What does it mean to bring thighs together; I don’t quite understand how it must be done?

4. Could you please explain if these rulings (about ruku and elbows only, thighs ruling is famous I think, the others I never heard about) derived from hadeeth or other ways ulama make their conclusions? I ask because I would like you to share with me those hadeeth so that when I say it to my female muslim friends I can support my words in shaa Allah. Please kindly explain.

5. Must knees of women be a bit bended in ruku or straight?

6. When I make takbeer at the beginning of salah, must my hands touch my breast and be close to each other? In this way I can’t keep them straight they are kind of touching invisible round ball, is it ok in shaa Allah?

7. If I make takbeer like men or some other way forgetfully, is my salah valid?

8. Must I redo salah I did with takbeer as man after I read here that takbeer of women is different? I just didn’t know how it is exactly and decided to make at least as Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).

Women reciting softly in Salaah

Q: Is it correct the way I make my salaah? I am a female. In fardh salah I read loud, but not that someone in the room can hear me clearly, it’s almost as whispering: In first two rakahs – two surahs, ameen, all takbeers, all duas in ruku, sajda and tashahud. I read inwardly only moving my lips: In first two rakahs – authoo and bismillehirahmaniirrahim, semi Allahu liman hemideh In 3d and 4th rakahs – everything except takbeers and assalamu aleium va rahmatullah. In all sunnas and kazas I read all inwardly, only moving my lips. Is this correct? If not could you please correct the mistakes?

1. I always knew that two first rakahs in fard salah (except authoo, bismileh and semi Allahu liman hemideh) must be loud, but I aslo knew women’s voice is aura and she has to be not as loud as men, so was reading them not real loud but whispering. Do I have to repeat all my salahs?

2. And also, some say that even in 3d and 4th rakah all we read must be not inwardly but whispering so that we hear ourselves but no one else does. How important is that, can I continue just moving my lips? Do I have to repeat my salahs?

3. Don’t know you answer to 2. That’s why could you please specify, is authoo and bismilleh and semi Allahu liman hemideh has to be read just by moving lips always? It’s how I was told before.

4. When there are men in another room, can loud salah be read as whispering?

Performing Salaah with a microphone

Q: The tableeghis in most of the markaz do not use speaker during namaz or azan with the intention that it is near to the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam's time and they do not state use of speaker haram/illegal or bad in any sense and in some markaz speakers are used. In a big namaz they have multiple Mukabbirs. Please shed some light for our guidance.

Performing Salaah in a car

Q: My wife and I do a lot of travelling by car. A lot of times the distances we drive are over 90km. Due to this, sometimes we have to pray on the side of the road or in a parking lot. If my wife prays outside the car like me, there are many people (men and women) who walk and drive by and could see her. In this case, is it permissible for my wife to pray sitting down in the car?