
Fardh namaaz me surato ku tarteeb ke saat parhna

س: حضرت مفتی صاحب... السلام علیکم.... ہماری مسجد شریف میں جب مستقل امام صاحب کبھی حاضر نہ ہوتے ہیں تو ایک شخص جس کا تنظیمی تعلق جماعت اسلامی کے ساتھ ہے نماز پڑھاتا ہے مگرکئی بار اس نے جہری نمازوں کے دوران اُلٹی سورتیں پڑھی...   حال ہی میں احقر نے اس سے عرض کی کہ اگر آپ کو ترتیب بھول گئی تو نماز ہوگئی لیکن اگر آپ یہ فعل جان بوجھ کر کررہے ہیں تو پھر نماز لوٹانی ہے اس پر اس نے کہا کہ مجھے بھول گیا ہوگا...لیکن اب آج پھر سے عشاء کی نماز میں اس شخص نے پہلی رکعت میں سورہ القارعہ پھر دوسری رکعت میں سورہ القدر پڑھی... نماز ختم ہونے کے بعد احقر نے امام صاحب کو بار بار ترتیب سورہ توڑنے پر نماز لوٹانے کو کہا...اس پر اُس نے یہ بات نہ مانی... بلکہ مسجد سے نکل کر باہر بہت سارے نمازیوں کی موجودگی میں کہا کہ... ہاں میں نے جان بوجھ کر کیا جاؤ کرو کیا کرنا ہے...اب گزارش ہے کہ مندرجہ بالا صورت حال کی شرعی حیثیت بیان فرما کر مشکور فرماییں

Delaying the witr Salaah

Q: My question is about witr Salaah:

1. After performing Esha Sallah at 8.00pm, can I delay my Witr Salaah till 11.00 pm(my sleep time)?

2. Can I combine Tahajjad and witr at the above mentioned time?

3. What will be my last Salaah before I go to sleep, Tahajjad or witr?

Reciting thana in place of dua-e-qunoot

Q: On pg 217 beheshti zewar, masla 32. Mention is made of a person who instead of reciting dua e qunoot in witr, read thanaa, then later read the qunoot, no sajdah sahw is required. If he doesn't read the qunoot later, ie just reads thanaa or something else in the dua e qunoot, will sajdah sahw be wajib? The kitaab mentions dua qunoot is wajib. Like surah Fatiha. If one reads something else instead of Surah Fatiha sajdah sahw is wajib. Please can mufti sb explain why for the qunoot it is not the same?

Doubts with regards to the number of rakaats performed

Q: In our local shopping centre there is a small prayer room. Three of us entered to pray zuhr salah and decided to pray in jammat. I was chosen to lead the prayer. We finished salah and went our separate ways. My question is this, after salah and returning home I kept feeling I prayed only 3 rakaats. I just couldn't get this feeling out of my mind. When we finished the other two never mentioned I only completed 3 rakat, so to tell you the truth I do not know whether I completed 3 or 4 rakaats. What must I do or should have done?


Q: I saw a dream. I talked to the father of the girl which I wish to marry and he didn't tell me no. He was texting me through whatsapp. I got more better person than you. I got guys who are CA (chartered Accountant) and look at you what qualification you have? I was upset that time because I didn't have a degree and I was going start my network engineering course after few months. I also saw huge waves of sea and also saw vintage car (which I like) in green colour but it was a little dusty. Also I wanted to do wudu but I slipped then got up and went home to read salaah. Can you tell me the meaning of this dream?

Nose congestion

Q: Does nose congestion (snot) break ones fast?

1. Accidently remembering I am fasting (and not remembering I am fasting)

2. Deliberately remembering I am fasting (and not remembering I am fasting) 3. You are in a situation you can’t spit it out, but if you swallow it you know you will be having thoughts that it will satisfy your thirst even if you don’t want to satisfy it. What must you do? Ignore these thoughts? Situations are: 1. You are outside around people, 2. you are very tired and you are in your bed trying to sleep,

3. When we cry during dua we have a lot of saliva, swallowing it makes fast void or not?

4. If we have a lot of saliva but we are outside around people?

4. When you are having them a lot during salah (you emptied your nose before salah but during salah still have a lot) and it’s difficult to go on praying, you must either stop salah or swallow it, what to do in such cases?

5. Does moisture that comes directly from the brain into your throat (not from the nose) break ones fast?

6. Sometimes I find myself in a situation when the nose congestion is already out of your nose and you can only swallow it, you cant spit it out either because you are in metro lets say, or because physically its already in a passage that you can only swallow it. Does swallowing it break fasting in such cases?