jamaat salaah

Reciting behind the Imaam

Q: I have a ghair muqallid relative. He doesant adhere to a madhab and he was saying how is my Salaah accepted if I don't recite faatiha in quiet Salaah behind the imaam. I gave him the verse of the Qur'an to prove but he said how can the imam be heaed if he is quiet. He confused me. Please clarify what should I do? I sometimes doubt.

Joining a masbooq in Salaah

Q: I am a follower of the Shaafi'i mazhab. In our musjid, which is mainly Shaafi'i the Somalian brothers will join a masbooq who has missed a few raka'ats and they will then follow the masbooq as if he is the Imaam.

1. Is this correct? If yes how should it be done.

2. What should you do if you are the masbooq and someone taps your shoulder or just joins your Salaah to follow you? Your input in this regard is greatly appreciated.