
Forgetting to make sajda-e-sahw

Q: I forgot to perform sajdah sahw which was wajib upon me during the first 4 rakats of sunnah namaz. Then I started Fardh namaz and once I finished fardh namaz I realised that I forgot to perform sajdah sahw for sunnat namaz. Is it permissible to perform the missed sajdah sahw of the sunnat namaz after the fardh prayer?


Q: Dear Mufti Saheb, In Tuhaftul Almai, pg.219 vol.2, is mnentioned that when making sajdah sahw according to Imam Abu Haneefah, the correct method is to recite all the duas first, then make salaam to the right, then 2 sajdas and then recite tashahhud only, then salaam. Is this the correct procedure. If not, then what is the correct one? Would be grateful if you mention some hawalas.

Mistakes in taraweeh salaah

Q: With regards to Taraaweeh:

1. An Aayah was recited correctly. The Imaam thereafter repeated the Aayah and changed it (incorrectly) due to some doubt. Is the initial correct recitation or the second recitation which was incorrect taken into consideration? Does the Aayah have to be repeated?

2. For the purpose of listening to the Luqmah of a Saami', the Imaam remained silent for the duration of 3 Subhaanallaah or more (he did not recite Qiraat for that duration). Should Sajdat-us-Sahw be made?

3. Additionally, if a person because of some disturbance missed an Aayah in Surah Faatihah, or one sentence in his At-Tahiyyat, does he have to make Sajdatut-us-Sahw? To what extent is the Surah Faatihah and At-Tahiyyat Waajib?