Hijaab & Purdah

Female doctor

Q: I’m a female doctor and I wanted to ask a couple questions.

I’ve finished my bachelors and completed my degree. I studied in a coed college where girls and boys were together and I didn’t wear a hijab in college. I wanted to know whether or not my degree is valid or not? Can I practice as a doctor or no? Are my earnings that I earn using the knowledge I received and my degree halal or no? Also, what about the money I earned from my practice as a doctor without wearing hijab? Is that money halal or no?

Woman not wearing hijaab in a Western country and living alone

Q: I am living alone in Canada. Because of racism here in Canada, do I have to wear hijab or not? I am very scared of the racism. I was wearing hijab before when I was in Dubai, but when I moved to Canada, people always used to tell me not to wear hijab as I am living alone and I will not get a job because of wearing the hijab. I am very confused. Kindly advise.

Observing purdah with non-mahrams

Q: A family member who lives seperately sleeps on my bed sometimes (her husband returns home late at night due to working overtime or night shifts and she is afraid to be home alone at night) my brother who is 15 years and I share the same room, we have our seperated beds. She doesn't observe purdah with my brother even though he is a ghair mahram to her. My question is, will I be sinful for allowing her in my room while my brother is there?

Women covering themselves when leaving the home


1. Are the wrists and ankles part of a woman's awrah in front of non mahram men.

2. When a woman covers herself when leaving her home, is it forbidden for her to cover herself with colours which are bright? If it is forbidden then which colours will be regarded as bright?

3. Due to widespread sinning nowadays will it be prohibited for a woman to travel any distance without a mahram?

4. Is it permissible for a woman to cover her own hair in front of non mahram men by wearing a wig? If not then why?

5. When a woman covers her face in front of non mahram men, is it compulsory for her to cover her eyes by wearing a mesh fabric over her eyes or can she show both eyes or only one eye?