
Selling fireworks

Q: Is it permissible to sell firecrackers during Christian holidays and offer freebies to attract customers to come in the store. The money from the firecrackers will be kept separate. Can you sellitems that are not legal to sell and can get fined for if you ger caught? After doing the above, can you still praise Alllah for makeing your business so successful and giving you so much barakah in the rozi and even if you are paying taxes. Please clarify.

Mistakenly scratching someone's car

Q: What is the procedure in the following case:

I was at a parking lot. Just as I opened my car door, a strong wind blew it onto the car next to me and scratched the car abit and cracked the indicator light. I was scared and wasn't sure what to do. I considered leaving a note along with some money on the windscreen but I was afraid and drove away. Now it's really playing on my conscience. Please advise.

Selling gold online

Q: I intend to begin online precious metals trading (buying and selling gold online for example), and I read the mas’alah that “purchasing gold online in exchange of money” is permissible. Can you please explain what this means?

Future trading

Q: I want to ask if futures trading is halal in Commodity Market. In my country Pakistan, this is allowed. Also, to make it clear this kind of trading has no interest (riba) associated to it. Its a contract to buy the commodity in future by depositing an initial deposit. Please advice. I am a sunni Hanfi.

Paying interest

Q: I am a 26 year old man with a job in the I.T field alhumduallah. I am currently living with my family and they are making lots of plans to buy a building with interest. They have already found a building and are planning to move in and live there. I don't want to be apart of interest and i never imagined being in this situation. As the youngest brother(i have 3 older brothers) my opinion doesn't hold much weight in the family. They think i dont know anything. They would like me to help with the payments in order to pay the building off as quickly as possible. Will i be sinfil for helping them make payments and what is your opinion about living in a house in riba? I can take care of myself as i am financially stable. And my teacher also said i can live at his madrasa for free and he recommended me to ask you. The biggest problem i see is that if i move out it may mess my relationship up with the family. 

Property distribution during one's lifetime

Q: We are 10 siblings (5 brothers and 5 sisters). Our parents are both living alhamdulillah. One younger brother and two sisters are still unmarried. Our elder two brothers are already living apart and now the situation has arisen that we want to divide the property among all and let the younger brother and sisters get their share so that thy can construct something to live in... Kindly inform us how much share each brother and sister will get and our parents also... The property is worth around 1 crore rs.