
Internet service provider

Q: My brother would like to start a business as an ISP (internet service provider). He will basically be providing internet to the users in his local area. A few people told us that it is haraam because some customers may use the internet for haraam e.g. porn sites. Is it permissible for him to start this business?

Not charging tax

Q: I am a working girl. Just one month ago I started working into travel agency and according to government regulations we have to charge 1.45 % government service tax on hotels and 4.35% on completed package on the products we sale to the clients so recently have sold a complete package but while making the bill for the package my boss has told me charge only 1.45 % while the real charge is of 4.34% tax so now I wants to know whether it is right or wrong. I am just an employee there and I work for a salary but I want to know wether the salary I get will it be counted as halaal to me or not. Because every employee gets there salary from the profit which the company makes and they do their business in this way. The salary is jaaiz for me or should I leave the job?

Weighing items after purchase

Q: I have recently heard that in order for the sale of meat/fruit/ items sold by weight to be halaal the buyer either has to be present to see the item being weighed or has to ask for R200 worth of mutton instead of 1 kg of mutton. I order my meat from a butcher telephonically and order by weight as I am generally aware of the meat prices. This is then delivered to my house and later paid for. In this instance is the meat halaal as I have been told it is haraam?

Trying to locate the person one owes money

Q: I took my son to a general practitioner about 5 years ago. At the time, I forgot my medical aid card, but the doctor was kind enough to consult my son as I assured him to provide my details the next day. The next day, I contacted the receptionist and provided her my medical aid details. A year after that, I noticed that the fee did not go through my medical aid and contacted the receptionist to inform them. It is now a few years later, and the doctor has moved, and I am unable to get hold of him. He is not listed on any websites as well. How do I discharge this fee?

Using government sponsored uncapped internet for personal use

Q: I was paid for getting internet for a research project sponsored by the government. I went to local private phone company and purchased Internet connection for one year with unlimited use of internet connection. They gave me a small router that I can put in my pocket. I use it or I do not use it, it does not matter. Payment has been made. If I use it for my personal use in addition to the research project use, is it jaaiz? Such use does not burden or hurt the government or the phone company in any way.