
Is it fardh to work?

Q: I have a question that needs to be answered and it is bothering me so much.

1. I have read that there is a hadith which says having a halaal job is fardh, but I have read some say it is not saheeh? (Kindly clarify this to me) If so, then it is not  fardh to find a halaal job?

2. I have read someone (maybe a sahaabi, taabi'ee, Imam etc.) said: "Working for a living  and helping the poor with his earning is better than praying (worshipping) all day/night without working for a living". Kindly give the name of that person who said this if it is authentic?

3. Once it is a fardh act, we must exert effort to do it and find a way to achieve it.  If someone is procrastinating in doing a fardh act (which he fails
to do) he commits a major sin right?

4. Continuation to 3. If finding a halaal job is fardh, then it is fardh on a person to  exert effort to find ways to achieve it right?

5. And whenever he intentionally stalls in achieving it (halaal job) he commits a major  sin right?

6. And in my case, I am currently in college taking a course in allied medicine (my  choice for a halaal job) and in my 3rd year (2 years to go to
graduate). I sometimes feel lazy and procrastinate in studying (I sometimes do not study) which places me in a brink of failing (stalling to graduate and
achieving a halaal job). In this case, did I commit a major sin?

7. Also if a person does not do this fardh command (have a halaal job) and dies, does he  have the same punishment like those people that do not do
other fardhs (salaah, zakaah, saum, haj etc)?

8. If someone decides not to work, is it sufficient to just place full trust in Allah (tawakkul) that He will provide him and his ageing parents food/drink

9. And lastly, the Ahlus Sunnah ulama all agree that if someone doesn't consider the kalimah, 5 prayers, zakaat, Ramadhaan, Saum and hajj as fardh, he becomes a murtad(correct me if  i'm wrong). Likewise if someone were to deny or don't believe that having a halaal job is fardh, does he become a kafir?

Avoiding quarrels and disputes

Q: I'm in a partnership with my cousin and I wish to exit the partnership. Is it possible for me to go into the same type of business. We have a verbal agreement that neither of us will do the same trade during or after the partnership. Please clarify whether this agreement complies with Shari'ah.

What should one do with pigs that were part of the farm one purchased

Q: I purchased a farm and whatever it contains from a non-muslim farmer. Afterwards I found out that the non-muslim farmer kept many domesticated pigs as pets on the farm. I thought of loading them up on my truck and dumping them in the bushes, but then I realized that they are tame pigs and in doing so, they will not survive in the bushes and die within days. They are too the creation of Allah Ta'ala, hence I find difficulty in just dumping them and leaving them for dead. I then thought of giving them to another non-muslim farmer but then the thought came to mind that what if I will be assisting them in haraam in doing so? Then I finally thought of shooting them and then giving the meat to a relative of mine who owns a lion park, as food for the lions. Is it permissible for me to give the pig meat to him to feed his lions? If not, then what should I do with these pigs? Please advise.

Working for banks

Q: Is Banking job in UK prohibited? Few relatives are saying I must quit bank job immediately as this is Haram. I have concern when Saudi Arabia is Shariah based country than why their banking system is interest based.

Avoiding disputes

Q: I have rented a flat for my family in Dubai. But now my family has moved to USA So now I want my flat to sublet someone interested. As per the original contract letter, it has been clearly mentioned that I cannot sublet my rented flat to anyone else under any circumstances. So Please let me know that if I sublet my flat to anyone else without informing or taking permission from the original flat owner; would I be considered a Munafiq?