
Can the one appointed to purchase make a profit?

Q: I need Shar'ee guidance regarding a certain trading transaction:

My relative asked me to buy a washing machine for him. The washing machine cost Rs.3000 for example.

1. Can I inform my relative that the machine cost Rs.5,000? He does not know that I will charge him extra. 

2. Can I first inform my relative that I started selling washing machines and then charge him Rs.5,000?

Working as a chartered accountant

Q: Is it permissible to do CA jobs in Islam? CA means chartered accountant who gives reports on the financial statement (profit and loss and balance sheet) by signing it and states in his report whether it gives true and fair views of state of affairs of the company which also includes financial figures related to interest earned and interest received by the company.

Is modern day interest haraam?

Q: I would like to know if riba falls under the category of western interest? A lot of scholars have said that it does not and it is permissible. I would like to know the reasoning behind this and why it is or is not permissible. I have been reading a lot about this topic and when the word riba is translated it can have a large number of meanings.

Giving money to one’s mature and immature children


1. A father gave a fixed amount of money to his wife and told her that this money is for their children (mature and immature children). He also told the children that he gave their mother a fixed amount of money which is theirs. In the above-mentioned situation, will the money belong to the children or will it still belong to the father?

2. Can the father take the money back without asking the children?

3. What is the correct procedure of giving money to the children? Should the money be given to the wife to keep on their behalf?

Islamic banks

Q: I see many Islamic banks charge everything like other banks, they are just changing the name. So, isn't it haraam to take a loan for a car or anything else from them?