
Option of purchasing a car from the bank after renting it from the bank

Q: Islam banks are giving away cars on the principle of Ijarah.

The bank buys a car and gives it to you on a monthly rent specified in the contract. The bank also keeps a security deposit. The ownership of the car remains with the bank during the rental period. You have the option to return the car at any point in time and get your security deposit back but the bank charges you a certain amount of money if you return the car before the expiry of the rental agreement duration specified in the contract. At the end of the rental agreement, you can either return the car and get your security deposit back OR get the ownership of the car transferred in your name in which case you have to forfeit your security deposit and you might even have to pay an additional fee.

Is transfer of ownership at the end of a rental agreement is permissible in Islam?

Giving money to the musjid with the intention of settling one's debt

Q: I have a debt with my friend. He payed for a bowling event and I was supposed to pay him back. I've been wanting to pay him back but everytime I tried to pay him back he said that we will talk about it next time. However he did not say he will forgive my debt. How am I supposed to deal with this? I know that having a debt and not paying it can be a hurdle for me to enter heaven. If I donate it to the mosque will it considered as done? My previous teacher told me that as long as the person is still alive, I have to pay him. Its been a year already.

Paying for one's studies with haraam money

Q: My questions are regarding haram earnings and investing it in education. I have learnt that investing haram money in a halal business is haram, and any remuneration is impermissible. This is what I understand.

1. If someone invests haram money in education by purchasing a course(s) that are permissible to study like language, science etc. and then they go on to study a degree also bought with haram earnings, will the knowledge that they acquire be permissible for them to use?

2. What is the status of the certificates and/or degree gained? Are these things haram for one who acquired them to keep or show employers?

3. And if he goes onto use this knowledge in a profession like medicine, teaching, engineering etc. will his earnings be haram? For example, he studies GCSE's, A-Levels, then goes onto study a degree in physics and then becomes a physics teacher after qualifying; will his earnings be haram after he spent haram earnings on all his previous courses?