Hijaab & Purdah

Helping a non-mahram woman

Q: Is it allowed to protect a helpless, na-mahram female?

For example, at school, if some children plan to throw something (for instance, a bottle or a ball) on a specific na-mahram girl who doesn't have a guardian at school (such as an elder brother or the like), nor has the confidence to take action against theses stupid boys (after the incident happens), firstly, would it be permissible for one to protect her from this (there are no elders one can turn to at that exact moment, because the deed would be done by the time one involves an adult into this matter)?

Secondly, would it still be permissible for a na-mahram to defend her even if he has feelings for her?

Women's dressing

Q: I live in Saudi Arabia, and I just got engaged to my cousin who lives in USA. I'm aware of the cultural differences between the two countries. I'm worried about how my cousin should wear clothes. I didn't ask her to wear abaya because she said that girls in USA don't have to wear abaya and it's not necessary in order not to get men's attention, like in Saudi.

She also works in big well known company in an office environment with men and women together. I would like to know what Islam says about wearing jeans (not tight), makeup (little bit) and high heels shoes? And is it ok to work with men in an office environment, and is it ok to ride in a car with a male colleague?

2. How should Muslim men and women conduct with their brothers/sisters in law? Is it ok to talk or sit together with them in a family gathering? Is it ok to travel with them together with one's husband?

3. Is it ok to shake the hand of a non-mahram?

Visiting one's fiances house

Q: Is it against hayaa for a girl, who observes complete sharee purdah, to visit her fiance's house in his presence even if she intends to meet her mother in law, who is her father's big sister? If the girl feels shahwat in her heart and gets bad thoughts in her mind will it be permissible for her to visit her fiance's house? 

Status of niqaab in Islam

Q: Could you please provide evidence from the Quran and Sunnah why niqaab is waajib in the Hanafi School? I’ve read that “The awrah of a woman infront of a non-mahram consists of the whole body except the face, hands and feet” - Raddul Mukhtar p531. v9