Hijaab & Purdah

Women attending waleemah functions

Q: I have been recently hearing that it is against the sunnah for ladies to attend wedding functions, especially waleemahs. There are certain ideologies that believe women attending wedding functions is haraam altogether, and is not a sunnah: even if the functions are completely segragated and simple!

Kindly advise because I recently attended the weddings of 2 very religious relatives and everything was according to sunnah and within their means. Commenting on another religious Muslims efforts, calling them haraam, propagating women cannot attend waleemahs or wedding functions, isn't this an innovation? 

Instructing one's wife to remove her niqaab

Q: I got married to a girl who wears niqab which I don't prefer, but before marriage I requested her to remove the niqab and she agreed to it and we got married. Now my questions are:

1. Is it a sin to remove the niqab?

2. Did we both commit sin?

3. Is it mandatory to wear niqab?

I personally do not prefer niqab because I am from Sri Lanka which is not a Muslim country, and I currently live in Qatar.

Family not supportive of girl going into purdah

Q: I’m 24 years old and I was born with Cp. Basically I’m in a wheelchair and I can’t really do much like change, bath, et. My mum does all of that for me! I come from a pious family Alhumdullah but I live in the same yard as my uncle and he has 3 sons, all of age. When my foi’s come to visit they also have sons and I’m the only girl! All of us are unmarried. Alhumdullah besides this condition of mine my mind is fine.

I’ve been wanting to go into pardah for many years now especially because of our living conditions and now that we are all grown up! When I expressed my desire to my mum she said that wearing a cloak and pardah will be too difficult for her to carry me because cloaks are slippery and she refuses for me to wear it! The best part of this is that my mum comes from a pious family and her entire family is in pardah!

I tried explaining to her that this is the order of Allah. If I wear it Allah will make it easy for her, but to no avail! She’s extremely stubborn. My mums family is full of Ulema and I tried to get them to talk to her but they just say “Allah knows your intention”.

I see how my cousins look at me and I don’t buy into this whole cousins are your brothers story! I reached out to my grandparents, my Daadi doesn’t like pardah at all so I didn’t get anywhere with her and I won’t try. My naani says that I must make life easy for my mum as it is it’s so difficult! We are living in times of great finah. I don’t know what to do. Please advise.

Girl helping a boy in university

Q: I study in a co university. Yesterday was my first class. A guy came and sat next to me. He seem to know nothing about using the computer and kept asking me questions. Is it permissible to help na mahram regarding studies with no impure intentions? Also, he was sitting really close to me. Is that haram?

Woman covering her hair in the house

Q: I've come across on Muftionline that Mufti Saheb had mentioned regarding a person covering their hair during eating is something that Mufti Saheb had not come across. Is there any virtue that a woman covers her hair during eating? Anything about drawing barakah? There are quite a lot of people who say to cover the hair whilst eating. Another thing, like the above, is there any virtue in a woman covering her hair whilst sleeping?