
Restricting the Qur'aanic address to the earlier Arabs

Q: I was wondering, was the description of the houris in the quran addressing the early arabs. I found this claim: Hence it is proved that the concept of “Maidens of Paradise” was also known in the pre-Islamic Arabia, especially among the Christians. The Qur’an, as is its style under normal circumstances, used the same words for the deliverance of its message, which were generally in vogue in the environment that it addressed. Since the idea of the Hereafter formed the cornerstone of the early Meccan preaching of the Qur’an therefore, to effectively make it preaching get across its addressees, it employed the same known word “hur” to describe the excellence of the reward for the righteous in the known Christian manner. This is further confirmed by the fact that it is only in the Meccan (and especially the chronologically early Meccan) Qur’anic passages in which the term “hur al-ayn” is used in sensual connotation. In the relevant Medinan Qur’anic passagesi.e., 2:25; 3:15; 4:57, we only find perfected counterparts/spouses (i.e., for both the righteous men and women). According to ulema, where quran verses using houris only addressing the early arabs?


Q: I am having some confusion about tajweed. Some queries are such that they are best asked in person but having no other choice I have to ask them through email.

1. The makhraj of each Arabic alphabet is different. To what degree do we have to emphasize one each letter while reciting the Quran in Salaah in order to make sure salah is valid?Honestly speaking, I think there will be few people in the Muslim world (including ulama) who can actually pronounce each alphabet in such a way that it can be differentiated.For example, the difference between ص and س, and the subtle difference between ز and ظ etc.

2. The letter ض is very difficult to pronounce correctly.The Arabs pronounce it such that it sounds similar to د. On the other hand, there is actually a difference amongst Indo-pak ulama with regards to ض. Some pronounce it similar to د while others make it sound like ز. In fact , I have read two fatwas of Deobandi Muftiyaan where it is written that the makhraj of ض is closer to ز rather than د. Please clarify this matter.

Qur'an Shareef ki tawheen

س: توہین قرآن کہ سلسلے میں سوال ہے... گھر کی صفائی کہ دوران مجھے فرش پر ایک قرآنی ورق نظر آیا.... وہ شہید ہوا اور ایک آدھ انچ کا ورق تھا... اسے دیکھ کر مجھے سمجھ آ گیا کہ یہ قرآنی صفحہ ہے لیکن میں نے اسے اپنا وسوسہ سمجھتے ہوئے اس پہ جھاڑو لگا دیا....(وسوسے ایسے تھے کہ یہ قرآن ہے توہین ہو جائیگی وغیرہ ... مجھے چونکہ بہت وسوسے آتے ہیں تو اس وجہ سے میں یہ وسوسہ ہی سمجھا اور قرآنی ورق نظر آنے کہ باوجود اس پر سے جھاڑو لگا دیا ) جھاڑو لگانے کہ بعد یہ خیال دل میں اور پختہ ہو گیا کہ وہ قرآنی صفحہ ہی ہے... اسی ڈر سے اٹھا کر دیکھا تو وہ واقعتا وہی قرآنی ورق تھا.... جسے میں نے بعد میں اٹھا دیا.... ایسا کرنے سے کیا میں توہین قرآن کر گئی ہوں ؟؟؟ اور اب اس حوالے سے کیا احکام ہیں ؟؟؟ اور کیا اسطرح نکاح ختم ہو جاتا ہے ؟؟؟ جزاکم اللہ

Organizing a Qur'an khatam on whatsapp

Q: I would like to get our close family members to coordinate the reading and Khatam of Qur'an for the Marhooms in our family. It will NOT be forced on anyone. Only those happy to join will join. It seems to me that this is a good method of reminding each other to read the Qur'an - as most people are now days very distracted and forget. We wish to use the mobile phone app called whatsapp to coordinate this effort. We will only use it as a communication tool to remind each other. Similar to how we might remind each other with written letters or direct meeting and talking but since people live so far apart (worldwide ) - this app is very convenient to set up an effort of this kind. What is your kind opinion on this idea? Someone told me it is not a good idea. Subhanallah I could not see the harm in reminding and organizing people to read the Qur'an however we can. Please educate me.

Touching the Qur'an without wudhu

Q: Is it permissible to touch a mus'haf without performing ablution/wudhu? Or let's say is if permissible to study qur'an without wudhu? Because I am memorizing Qur'an and I always go to the comfort room, always pee so I find it hard to make a wudhu every after entering the comfort room. It is also very cold in my country especially in morning. But if it is impermissible or not permissible then I will have no choice but to make wudhu every time after entering the comfort room.