jumuah salaah

Missing jumuah salaah

Q: I would like to know if one misses 3 jummuah salaah in a row are they out of the fold of Islam ...the person in question attempted to read jummuah but suffers from extreme waswaas. This made them really anxious so even though they did read 2 jummuahs ...both times while or after making wudhu they were certain there wudhu was broken due to a sound and Movement but ignored the above mentioned certainty as this happens to them really often for almost Each salaah recenetly ...the Person really does not want to leave Islam or come out of the fold of Islam but performing salaah is becoming so challenging and time consuming because they certain their wudhu is breaking either through movement of wind with a smell (odour) or dripping urine...this person suffers from very extreme waswaas and OCD and is struggling in desperate need or help!

Performing jumuah salaah with the intention of nafl and thereafter leading the jumuah salaah elswhere

Q: Omar participated in Jummah khutbah and prayed Jummah Salah behind a Imam with the intention of nafl in masjid A and then delvired a khutbah and lead Jummah Salah on the same day in another masjid B, is the Jummah Salah of Omar and the congregation in masjid B valid and is this permissible?

Performing Jumuah Salaah in a small town

Q: The brothers of a certain town wish to commence having jumua at the musalla of the said town. Before giving permission we wish to first ascertain whether the town fulfills the requirements of having jumua. The town has approximately 1000 homes, more than 10 shops which include few hardware stores and 1 big supermarket, a clinic, school, post office and a taxi rank, all within the town. There is no police station but a police station is planned for the future. Approximately 40 brothers will attend the jumua. Please inform as to whether jumua will be permissible or not.