jumuah salaah

Omitting Jumuah Salaah

Q: I work for a company where I luckily get my break by another colleague from 1300 to 1400 where I perform jummah, but I get this break from a Muslim brother. So I asked him to give me the break every second Friday at 1400 so he can attend jummah one week and I can attend the next week? I cover one site only and he works for my company. At the lunch breaks he relieves different people throughout the day. Is it okay for me to do that, otherwise he will end up not performing jummah at all?

Sunnats after Jumuah Salaah

Q: A recent WhatsApp message circulated by a Mufti has created some confusion regarding the status of the Sunnah Rakats after the Jumuah Salaat. According to the message, the four rakats after Jumuah are Muakkadah whilst the other two are Ghair Muakkadah. The question is that we were always taught and considered that there are 6 Rakats (4+2) of Sunnah Muakkadah. What is the status of the Sunnah Salaats after Jumuah Salaat?

Sunnah qiraat on Fridays


1) On Friday mornings in Fajr Salaah (farz), the Imaams of the Musjid as well as the Musallis finds it difficult for surah-sajdah to be recited in the first rakaat, and then surah-dahr in the second. Therefore, by one Imaam (Zaid) spiltting up surah-sajdah in two rakaats on one Friday morning and then the other Imaam (Bakr) splitting up surah-dahr in two rakaats on the next Friday morning; will we still be fulfilling the Sunnah?

2) Is it Sunnah to recite Surah Jumuah on Friday mornings in Fajr Salaah? (farz)

3) Is it Sunnah to recite Surah A'laa and Surah Ghaashiyah on Friday mornings in Fajr Salaah? (Farz)

Performing multiple Jummah Salaahs in one Musjid

Q: Is it permissible to perform multiple Friday (Jummah) Jamaats/congregation due to lack of space here in West? The masjids are far away and are small so cannot hold many people, due to which they perform multiple jamaats, so is it permissible? Also please tell us what if the same Imam who performed the first jamaat also performs the second Jamaat as well? Would the second prayer be valid? Please tell us about praying Friday in a masjid where the Khutbah is given in English instead of Arabic? I cannot find any masjid in our area where they give the khutbah in Arabic? Will the prayer be valid?