
Tahiyyatul musjid

Q: When praying our fard salat in the musjid, I was told that we can have the intention of tahiyyatul musjid included in the fard salaah or the sunnahs prayed before the fard. Does this apply also to maghrib salat (i.e. can we combine the fard of maghrib with tahiyyatul masjid), or is it different since that is a three rakaat salah? If it doesn't apply for maghrib, are there any other salaahs for which it doesn't apply too?

Salaatut taubah

Q: Are there any particular Surahs or zikr/tasbeeh to be recited during istighfar Salaah? Because in one book I read it says that one should perform istighfar salah two rakaats by reciting Surah qadr after Surah Fatiha and recite Astaghfirullah 140 time in total. Is this true? Is this the way it should be performed? Please clarify and guide me.

Tahiyyatul musjid

Q: In the English translation of Behishti Zewar, Heavenly Ornaments, it says under 'The time of Salaat', 'Rules Related to the Times of Salaat', that: "Once dawn breaks and fajr time enters, then apart from the two rakaats sunnah and two rakaats fard of fajr salaat, it is makruh to offer any other nafl salaat. However, it is permissible to offer any qada salaat and to make sajdah-e-tilaawat." (1) Does this mean that if I happen to perform the two rakaats sunnah at home, it is makruh to perform Tahiyyatul musjid when entering the Musjid? (2) Does this also mean that if I do not perform the two rakaats sunnah at home, it is makruh to perform the two rakaats sunnah with the multiple intention of it being Tahiyyatul musjid as well?


Q: I have two questions I want you to help me with. May Allah Ta'ala grant you the ability.

1. I want to know how to perform istighfaar Salaah with full details.

2. And also, are there any particular Surahs to be recited or any particular prayers to be performed for one to get married soon? They have been searching for a good groom for me for the past one year but nothing is become finalized and is failing for some reason or other. I don't know why but Allah knows best.