marital problems

Marital problems

Q: I have been married for a few years. During the first year of my marriage, I suffered from a panic/anxiety attack after which I made sincere tauba and committed myself to being on the right path and not being careless about committed sins especially zina. Within the first 2 years of my marriage, I travelled and worked in 3 different countries. Me and my spouse were living in different countries for the first two years and I finally joined my spouse after 2 years. I’d like to believe that I became very religious in these two years. Things between me and my spouse were not great from the very beginning. Emotionally and physically, attraction between me and my spouse was average. Religiously we were not on the same page because my spouse is a revert. I suffered from a really bad panic attack and for months I was constantly anxious and depressed. Later that year I invited my parents to visit me, hoping that it would help me to regain my mental health but nothing changed. I was becoming more and more depressed. There was a lot of friction between my spouse and my parents and once my parents left, Allah blessed me with a child. My parents came back to visit us to help us during the time of the birth of our child, but things got worse between me and my spouse because of the presence of my parents in the house. My spouse left the house because of the toxic environment in the house and came back to the house once my parents left. From that point on, our relationship has been going down hill. We became emotionally detached and our intimate life became very very poor.

For the next couple of years my spouse left the house out of anger and frustration and demanded for divorce many many times. According to my spouse, the anger and frustration shown on her part was to bring me back closer but it actually pushed me more and more away. We became intimate hardly 5-8 times in 2 years. On multiple occasions my spouse told me to go and look for another person and demanded divorce.

Up till this point, I was able to guard myself and protect myself from the worldly temptations. I wanted to feel loved and so I joined a matrimonial website looking for a spouse. I met this person (Muslim but not religious at all) online and after almost 1 year of communication between us, we met in person. We were supposed to get married but that person, just before we were supposed to do our Nikkah, backed out. However we ended up committing zina later that day. I felt so guilt and cried over it for many nights. Our illegitimate relationship continued for many months and then we broke up. Meanwhile things with my spouse were getting worse and worse and we decided to divorce. In between I met few other people and committed zina. I felt like my heart became very hard and even though I was making all of my salahs etc , deep down I was feeling really guilt and sad because of my actions. I felt like I was being pulled away from the right path as a punishment from Allah. I started wondering why Allah would allow this when I was trying to be on the right path. I was on the right path for many years and I feel so broken that things I used to speak against myself like zina etc, I ended up committing those sins myself.

However on the day I was supposed to divorce my spouse, we both felt that we need to spend more time and seriously work towards our marriage. I realized that all these worldly temptations are temporary and I seriously need to spend time in nurturing our married life. I want to be back on the right path. I have asked Allah for forgiveness but I keep getting tempted by, if not zina than other sins. I am not physically and emotionally attracted to my spouse. We are going to try our best to make this marriage work. Please advise;

1. That how I can attain forgiveness from Allah and his love. I am scared that I will be punished twice for my sins because that’s what Allah says in the Quran. I don’t want to be punished at all.

2. How can I make sure that I am not tempted to committing zina because of lack of attraction between me and my spouse (my spouse is overweight from the very beginning and is not consistent with activities that would help to lose weight)

3. How can I be motivated about keeping my marriage safe

4. What should I do if I don’t feel attracted at all even after all the efforts are made

Marital problems

Q: My husband cheated on me and got another wife but he doesn't take any care of me or my baby. Its been 2 years now. He never takes any responsibility of me and our baby. He is too busy with his new wife. He never contacts me or when I call he uses bad language and tells lies. Can I ask for divorce?

Marital problems

Q: I have told my husband a few times that I want a Talaq due to the following reason. We married for 18 years

1. He has never gave me nafaqah

2. He is always rude to me

3. He is disrespectful towards me

4. He does not contribute to the childrens health and clothes needs.

5. He is always asking me for money and never paying it back.

6. He never considers that by not paying me back that whatever debts I may have incurred cannot be covered when he does not pay me back.

7. He has not been intimate with me for 4 years and even then it was only twice a year.

8. He has nothing left over for me never gets me anything for my birthday for the whole 18 years that we are married.

9. He never stands up for me against his family when there was ever an issue.

10. He comes from a wealthy family and they know he does not provide for me or his kids.

11. My kids are studying hifz and he will never sit with them /relieve me sometimes to test them.

He has just asked me for money again this month and I told him No. He got upset to which I said that I was going to resign and stay at home so that he cant ask me for money anymore. He then said he wants a Talaq. So I told him it just proves that he would not talaq me before because he needed me for my money. Now that I will not have money should I resign I will be of no use to him and he cannot take responsibilty for a wife and children.

He has so many debts . I cannot understand what he does with his money that he earns as he is a plumbing contractor. Our rent is even behind.

I need some advise going forward as I feel the talaq is the best thing for me and my children

Asking husband for a divorce

Q: Im separated with my husband for nine months now. Due to the emotional problems I went through with my mother in law and my husband hasn't supported me in that and even whilst separated, I've tried through three moulaanas to make it work but there has been no improvement or any sort of support either. I've had many emotional breakdowns but now I finally want a talaq. Please help me as I can't keep going on like this.

Marital issues

Q: I am a homemaker in a joint family. From beginning of my marriage there was always a problem in both of my families because of money and property that should be given to me by my parents to in laws. I am a pregnant woman in my final trimester. I am facing a lot of stress from my house people and husband. My husband told me that you should decide between me and your family. I am in the worst situation of my life. I don't want to leave both of them. I want everyone in my family, my own family, my in laws family and my husband. Please suggest me a solution to this problem

Marital problems

Q: I'm married to my husband for the past 12 years. He was married before and has a daughter from the first wife. Their marriage lasted 10 years with court case and everything and the court granted them divorce. The custody of the daughter went to the mother. After 3 months of divorce my husband got married to me. The first wife took the child and never ever allowed a glance of her daughter to my husband. Alhamdullilah, Allah has blessed us with three kids and we were very content with our life. My husband's daughter who is 21 years old now called her dad one day saying she wants to come live with us. My husband, without informing me or asking my consent brings her home over nite. The reason she has come over is because she is having an affair with some guy, whom the mother dislikes. The reason for writing this letter is, I can't accept her. I feel my privacy has been invaded. My husband is giving me less attention, there are fights between us now and I have gone into depression. The daughter is not in contact with the mother now. I just want to know did my husband do a right thing to bring her home without my consent and why can't I accept her wholeheartdly? Why do I feel jealous?

Leaving one's gay husband

Q: I am married to a gay man for 16 yrs. What should I do? I feel betrayed and confused. He is a good Chinese Muslim in my eyes but he just told me he that he has an urge for man but never intended to fufil it. I do not know what to do and why I'm tested like this.

Marital problems

Q: I have a question and hope to receive the answer in the light of Quran and hadith at the earliest. I am the only son if my parents, my dad has a multiple alignment but my mother though in her late 60's is in good health alhamdulillah,in addition to this I am married and have two kids and one wife. Soon after marriage my wife and my mother could not accommodate each other well and I often had to listen to their complaints. I always thought my mother was less at fault. After few years of marriage I created two kitchens in the same house, in spite of this problems remained and in 2010 when things went out of control, I bought a separate accommodation for my family on the instructions of my parents to shift. Slowly things started to improve and till 2015 all was well. During this period have fulfilled all my duties towards my parents as well as wife. Then In 2015 my Dads health deteriorated and we shifted back to my parental house. It was not a force to my wife, instead she willingly agreed to go back but with a condition that she will not put up in a different kitchen. I was reluctant to her condition and wanted to have a different kitchen for my family in our parental home. At last I reluctantly agreed. My worst fear came true, again my mom and my wife went well with each other for a year no doubt with minor issues. But after some time things started happening again and one fine day my wife decided to go back to her house, even I agreed as I was fed up of all the nonsense my wife was attributing towards my mother. I could no longer take the behavior of my wife towards my mother. Soon I agreed to shift and left my potential home once again, leaving behind a hurt parents, sisters and all relatives. Everyone very angry towards my wife and her parents and my in-laws towards me and my parents blaming each other. I did not offend my parents for my wife and gave my wife a separate accommodation she wanted. Have I committed any sin by leaving my parents alone though I visit them every day even twice a day and ask them if I can do anything. I have arranged a full time servant for them as well. I live 4 km away from my parents. According to me I had no other option but to shift as I could not see my mother being dominated by my wife, as my wife wanted most of the things to happen as per her taste. My wife is a good lady as well follows Islam, had good intentions but her short temper is all that is not good in her. I am very tense please advice me what should I do to ease out my life as this issues has fully engulfed me and I has become difficult to concentrate on other issues like work etc. Thank you very much.

Applying for faskh

Q: I want to ask a question on behalf my mum, who seeks to annul her marriage to my father. He refuses talaq, yet he does not support her and he lives in another town, he does not support me or my sister, but that is not the main issue, my mum is his second wife. His first wife passed away recently. He does not contact my mum but he does to come to 'visit', and he stays at his other sons house, and not by mum. For no apparent reason. My mum has supported us her entire life alone. She has never commited adultery or anything like that. She does require a divorce because he is neglecting his responsibilities to her. Please can you advise, or ask me for more clarity if you need to know anything more about this. Your assistance will help us a lot.