
Seeking halaal earnings

Q: I live in India and I want to know if I can work in MNC company. These companies had taken loans and so these companies are in loan, so its forbidden to work in there. Companies like Tata, Vodaphone, Samsung, Nokia and many more also do the same. My family wants me to work in these companies but almost every company had taken loan or given a loan and there is no Islamic company that follows proper Islamic law. Females also work in these companies. Please advise.

Couple living separately

Q: My sister got married two weeks ago. Before marriage her father in law was good but now he is showing his true colours. My sister is working for the government. Please tell me a waifza to read for her so that her married life becomes easy. We only two sisters and our dad died last year. Her father in law was our dad's best friend but he is not good anymore. I'm in UK and I can't support my sister. She does as her father in law says but her in laws are still not happy. On the second day of the wedding, we came to know their reality but we wanted our sister to be in that home as her husband is very good. Please tell us a wazifa to read.

Husband having an affair with his wife's niece

Q: My husband, 36, has been having an affair with my niece, 20, for the past few years. Everytime I confronted him he denied it and twists it around like I'm crazy and insecure. However yesterday I caught them redhanded in each others arms kissing, etc. What is the position of my nikah with him? We have 2 sons aged 16 & 14 and a daughter 11. My concern is custody of my children, should I choose to divorce. Please advice me of the way forward.

Premarital relationship

Q: I am studying architecture 3rd year. I am 22 years old. I like a boy who is 3 years younger than me, he is still studying mechanical engineering and is in 2nd year. We both will be completing after 2 years. I spoke about that boy to my mom and she didnt even consider it as his family belongs to a middle class or does not stand with our family status. She strictly rejected it as he is also 3 years younger than me. He is a well mannered person and his character is good as well. I feel that this is more than enough to consider in spouse rather than wealth and family background. I feel that there is no such restriction in Islam when it comes to the age of marrying and moreover our Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) was 25 years when he got married to Hazrat Khadijah. I said that I will complete my studies and by that time he will be completing his engineering as well and we both looking forward to getting married. My parents are not listening to my wish and are forcing me to marry someone of their choice. Because of all these issues in my home, I am unable to concentrate on my studies. Please help me in resolving this matter. 

Thoughts of shirk

Q: I have this problem for long time. It first started with a small doubt and after that it felt like if I do anything, bad or a sin, it's shirk because that means that I am giving more importance to it than Allah. I felt like talking to girls is forbidden so if I talk to girls it's shirk. So if I talk to girls then I am giving more importance to talk to girls than to Allah. So then I stopped talking. For a few days I ignore this thought and talked to girls, then I felt like I am committing shirk. One part of me was like it's not really shirk, if  I make it as shirk allah will forgive and u can do that as a normal sin. After some time its gone, then that thought comes that whatever I do when I watch a movie or whenever I talk to my friend. After a while those thoughts disappear. I ignore those thoughts and live my life as normal Muslims and now those kinds of thoughts strted coming even stronger. Whatever I do, those kind of thoughts are coming that if its shirk, I'll stop doing it. Is doing this confusion and this mindset shirk or not? Because I feel like even if it is not shirk by doing this mean I am ok with this even it's shirk but am not ok .. I now these things are sin ins Islam but these are not shirk ryt even am confused to talk to mom this is not not only for this matter even when i talk with my frndz these kind of thoughts are coming ? So I thought these friend or anyone not more important than Allah am talking to them as normAl as other muslims talks without giving more important but then my mind was like these things are not shirk ok I are not giving important to them but previous which U thought in beginning u did with doubts no so those are shirk even if I talk without giving more important and as normal I make this as shirk so now if I do that it shirk now doing these things which are not actually shirk is shirk or not ?? Is there is anything I can do to make those things as normal sin or normal thing because these thoughts came from waswas problem no please give me some solutions ... nd help me to understand are these things are shirk or not ? Is theres anything I can do to be normal

Not feeling confident

Q: I have 3 kids but I am jobless since 3 years. I dont know whats happening with me, its kind of thinking again and again of the past and regretting. I am not confident enough to do anything. Can you please suggest some duas and amal to get rid of these situations.