haraam relationship

Husband having an affair with a young girl

Q: I found out that my husband is having an affair with a 21 year old muslim girl. He has confessed that he does love her. So I read istikara to ask for guidance. My first dream was I was at my mums house and all of my bags were packed but I am busy helping my mum to make sweetmeats. My second dream was I was at the mall but I was having intercourse with my husband. I am very confused so I am not sure what this means.

Daughter involved in haraam on the internet

Q: My 14 year old has just revealed to me that she hasnt made salaat in 2 years approximately and that she has been sneaking onto the internet and listening to music as well as exchanging haraam material. She also claims that she is bisexual. We are practising Muslims, we have taleem in the home and community. My husband participates in the effort of dawah and my children attend fiqh classes with an Alimah and tajweed class with a qariah and Quran classes with a Haafizah. I do not know what to do. Please help us Insha Allah.

Husband involved in a haraam relationship

Q: I am a revert Muslim and have been married for 6 years. Its been 6 months that my husband is seeing another girl and recently moved in with her a month ago. He comes home now and then just for an hour or so and keeps telling me his coming home and that he loves me. Please help me. The night I caught him with the girl, he was hiding behind the door. When I got him behind the door he laughed at me and I was so shocked Ya Allah his body was there but the head on the body was not his that just smiled at me. I am sad, heart broken and have two kids and don't know what to do. Please guide me and let me know what I can recite to bring him back home. This is not my husband the way he is now, he was a house person and always had time for his family and kids. We love him and miss him a lot. I believe with what I saw on his body that something like black magic has been done to him to keep him away from his family. Please help me.

Holding one's mother's head and taking a qasam

Q: I did a job in Saudi Arabia. On my vacation my mom came to know that I am connected with a girl (na mahram) with love. My mother told me to put your hands on my head and take a "qasam" that you will not talk to your lover in future and you will forget her. I did as she said with intention that I will follow her qasam. But I came to know that this type of qasam is haraam in Islam, so what is the worth of that "qasam". Could I break that? or my mom has to take beg for forgives from Allah because my mother never mentioned the name of Allah in her qasam? Please answer me soon as possible.

Breaking off a haraam relationship

Q: I have one problem and I need to know that what should I do. I am 28 years old and married 6 years ago but 3 years back I met a guy on chat. We became close friends, we even started loving each other but many times I feel that I am doing wrong. I am cheating my husband. I decided to break relation with that guy but don't know, I feel like I hurt that guy as he was in love. Now without letting him know any reason, I am not in contact with this guy because I don't want to do any sinful deed anymore. I want to know that did I do the right thing? But one feeling is still in my mind that maybe I hurt that guy and maybe he will not forgive me. Please guide me what should I do?

Haraam relationship with a non-Muslim

Q: I have a non Muslim female friend. I want her to come to Islam and become a Muslim. For this I always make dua for her and show my best character (akhlaaq) to her. But when I talk about religion she tells me she doesn't believe in any religion but she believes in Almighty God that He is One. She is engaged in bad habits such as: cigarettes, wine, boy friend relationships, etc. When I told her to leave these things she got irritated and told me don't interfere in my life. I have my own life. What I want I will do. I don't care whether it is good or bad. Please tell me in this situation what should I do?