

Q: I am very worried. I make a kasam on Quran paak because my mom was crying in front of me. It was very hurtful to see my mother crying so I took a kasam but now I forget the correct kasam. What do I do? It was something like that I do not do the thing again means making a boy brother. Now what should I do? I have one friend (boy). We just chat and good friends. He is younger than me. So if I talk to him, is it breaking the kasam? Please help me.

Written oath

Q: Is a written oath on the name of Allah Ta'ala in a text message considered as a true oath or a false one? It was not spoken verbally, only written.

Husband forcing the wife to take an oath

Q: I am 32 years old. I got  married 10 years ago and have three kids. I had a relation in my past with other guy. I wanted to marr him but because of some issues did not get married. My husband is a very nice person but from some relatives of mine he came to know about my past. For the past 10 years I suffered from his anger now I am very much changed and pray, do prayers and istighfaar. My husband asked me to take an oath and touch the Qur'an and tell him everything. I don't want to distroy my marriage life and my three kids life. I also tell him about my past, but my husband wants to know each and everything which I don't want to tell him because I don't feel good. Please guide me. Can I take and oath for saving my marriage life and my kids life.

Kaffarah for breaking an oath

Q: I'm in a dilemma. Three years back, out of josh I made a bunch of promises to Allah and qasams. I have since done proper Taubah for this. I don't remember whether I promised or took qasam to Allah that I will study my books every day. But since then I did for a month and haven't been keeping that promise or qasam. What is the kaffarah for this? I'm really scared does this count as me breaking the promise or qasam daily or is it the Initial promise or qasam? I went through a very hard time because of these broken promises/ qasams. After my taubah I felt contentment and started practicing again. After my taubah I felt contentment and started practicing again. I know not to make the same mistake. Another qasam I made was not to do a particular sin I did that sin multiple times after that. What is the kaffarah?

Taking an oath that one will become a kaafir upon doing a certain action

Q: I have heard that if a person takes an oath that “If I do this or do not do this, I will become a Kafir forever”. The person becomes a kafir if he or she swore the oath with the belief that he or she would adopt kufr upon its non-fulfillment. Is this true? I would be very grateful if you could please provide a detailed answer for my satisfaction.