
Lengthening the beard and trimming the moustache

Q: In the Hadith a command is given to lengthen the beard and trim the moustache. I know that it is waajib to lengthen the beard, but what about the moustache? Is shortening the moustache also waajib? If not, then people argue and say that if you say that lengthening the beard is waajib, then trimming the moustache should also be waajib because they in the same Hadith.

Trimming the beard to get a job

Q: My family's financial condition is very severe nowadays. And here in India, I'm not getting a job anywhere in the companies because of my beard in spite of being highly qualified. My parents have some how gathered up money and also through a relatives' link have got me a job in U.S. And as I have to appear for visa interview, my parents have said me to trim the beard to less than a fistful length just for the visa interview and not to cut the beard afterwards as after reaching there it isn't going to be a problem inshallah. They're very sceptical that if I appear the visa interview without trimming, the interviewer might presume me to be a "radical Islamic fundamentalist" and reject me. And all the last pennies invested on me will turn to zilch. Also there isn't much hope here in India to get a job as I have tried to get one since last 3 years. Considering my financial condition, will it be allowed for me to trim my beard to less than a fistful length just for this occasion? Even I'm very reluctant to do it but my financial condition and the state of my family is such that I'm forced to entertain such vile ideas. Please advise me.

Hair dye


1. What is the Shar'ee ruling regarding hair dye? Is it permissible to use?

2. What colours of dye should one use and which colours should one avoid using?

3. Is there any difference in the ruling between men and women?

4. Is it permissible to use hair dye which is non-porous and prevents the water from touching the hair? If one used such dye, will one's wudhu and ghusal be complete?

5. I heard that applying mehndi is a Sunnah. Can a person dye his beard or hair with mehndi and will one receive the reward of the Sunnah if one applies it?