sexual relations

Intercourse during iddat

Q: My husband gave me one talaaq a week ago but now it just so happened that we had intercourse again. I want to know is the talaaq still valid and if we are still divorced because he said that sleeping together after the talaaq does not mean we are married again.

Intercourse at the end of haidh

Q: I am a married lady. I need to ask about sex in menstruation. I had normal seven day period in my life but since my child birth (3 months ago) I have had 2 periods; 2nd period was 8 days before due date on the completion of 7 days of menstruation I thought my periods are finished but I didnt take ghusl yet for purifying myself and I had slight spotting again on the 8th day morning. Thus furthur delayed ghusl and then had sex in the evening thinking that periods would definately be finished by now and I will take a bath after it. Then next day morning I had spotting again, only minor one which was shocking since I didnt take ghusl and my menstrual spotting lasts more than usaual 7 days this time. Have I really committed a haraam act? If yes then whats the expiation?

Spouses missing Salaah due to having intimacy

Q: We are a newly married couple (1 year). Every time we get intimate, we are missing our namazes. Even though we are trying really hard to control our desires, even if we get intimate every 4 days. My wife because of her migraine, sinus and long hair delays ghusal which makes me feel bad as because of me she is missing her namaaz. How do you recommend we should control our desires. Please tell us possible solutions.