
Replying to salaam at the time of azaan, while eating or reciting Qur'an

Q: The Fuqaha have mentioned that at the time of tilawaat, azaan and eating, if salaam is made to a person then the salaam does not have to be returned. What is the hukam if a person returns the salaam at these times? Is there karaaha in a person doing so or will it be permissible to reply although the salaam does not have to be returned?

Replying to salaam correctly

Q: A known person to me sometimes greet me as Assamualekum without la in it, clearly. Sometimes I reply to him in forgetfulness Walekum assalam, instead of Walekum. Then I realize that, and don't know what to read as a counteract to that. Could you please tell me what to do at that times?

Ending one's Salaah before the imaam

Q: When I was in my prayer (I was waiting for the Imaam to end the prayer with salaam) in congregation,

1. I needed to use the washroom urgently. In that condition, is it permissible to end the prayer by myself and go to the washroom, or is it not permissible?

2. My stomach was well. If my stomach had been upset, would it be permissible to end salaah before the Imaam (the same act which is asked in Question 1)?

Masbooq (latecomer) joining the Imaam before Salaam

Q: Whilst performing Salaah with Jamaat behind an Imaam, if a Masbooq (latecomer) joins the Salaah after the Imaam has completed four rakaats and joins just before the Salaam.

1. Is it necessary for him to recite the tashahhud with the Imaam for his Salaah to be valid or is it sufficient for his Salaah to be valid that he joins in the Salaah before the Imaam makes salaam?

2. Should the Masbooq recite only Tashahud in the Qa'dah or also Durood Ibraaheem and Duaa after Durood.