Lillah and charity

Accepting funds or donations from Multinational Pharmaceutical Companies to run clinics in poor areas

Q: The Islamic Medical Association runs clinics in poor areas around Durban, where the Govt has no services for these people.  Funds are running out as more and more medicines are needed to help people.  So far no other money except those given as lillah by the muslim community has been used. Can a Muslim organization, in this case the Islamic Medical Association accept funds or donations from Multinational Pharmaceutical Companies to do its work in servicing the medical needs of the indigent population?  

Muslim Organization involved in Natural Disasters accepting funds from Haraam sources

Q: Can a Muslim Organization that is involved with disasters, eg., floods, fires, earthquakes, etc. use funds from haraam sources to do its work?  For instance, can they use funds donated to them from a Pop concert, or a financial institution dealing in interest related transactions like Investec?  What if the donations are not separated from the “halaal” moneys given to them by muslims and all donations are pooled together?  In most cases, the organization does not know where the funds are coming from.  The funds are deposited directly into their bank account, unless an organization like Investec tells them that funds are being transferred into their account.

Collecting money for Deeni Organisations and Institutes from people or companies that are dealing in Interest

Q: Is it permissible to collect money for deeni organisations and institutes, etc. from people or companies that are dealing (giving and earning) in interest. If it is permissible, then what are the boundaries and limits when collecting from such people?