Laws pertaining to Slaughtering

Scalding process at the chicken factories

Q: I wish to inquire about the scalding process at the chicken factories. The slaughtered chickens are immersed whilst still bleeding with the intestines, impurities etc into a hot water tank for softening the feathers etc, this water is filthy and some of the impurities are possibly absorbed into the flesh. approx 500 to 700 birds at any point in time with all the impurities etc could be in this hot water at any point in time, where it remains for approx 5min. how does this process affect the status of the meat? does the meat remain halaal or does it become makrooh or haraam for Muslim consumption?

Rainbow Chicken

Q: For the sake of the muslim ummah and particularly for myself i humbly ask for guidance as to what the ruling is regarding the rainbow chickens etc issue? Haraam or Halaal? It is very confusing and disturbing to find ulama cannot state 1 true ruling. My heart pains to see the ummat so upside down and in turmoil.

Eating Meat of Stunned Animals

Q: I read that stunning animals when slaughtering them renders the meat at least doubtful. And that meat is Haraam when doubtful. In a country where the law in principle forbids slaughter without stunning, the local Musjid and private people secretly slaughter animals without stunning. Can we buy and eat that meat as we cannot get non-stunned meat in our area otherwise?

Animal that was Stunned/Electrocuted before Slaughtering


  1. Is it permissible to eat meat that was stunned/electrocuted before slaughtering?

    • Will it be Halaal, Haraam or Makrooh if consumed?

  2. Is it permissible to eat meat whereby the animal/s were ALREADY dead prior to Thabah and Tasmiyah?

    • Will it be Halaal, Haraam or Makrooh if consumed?

  3. Is it permissible to eat from meat whereby Tasmiyah was omitted and NOT recited at all?

    • Will it be Halaal, Haraam or Makrooh if consumed?

Scalding of Chickens after Slaughter

Q: I wish to inquire about the scalding process at the chicken factories. The slaughtered chickens are immersed whilst still bleeding with the intestines, impurities etc into a hot water tank for softening the feathers etc, this water is filthy and some of the impurities are possibly absorbed into the flesh. Approx 500 to 700 birds at any point in time with all the impurities etc could be in this hot water at any point in time, where it remains for approx 5 min. how does this process affect the status of the meat? Does the meat remain halaal or does it become makrooh or haraam for Muslim consumption?