Laws pertaining to Slaughtering

Dipping chicken in hot water to remove the feathers

Q: In many places, the chicken is slaughtered and then tipped in to the hot water and then the feathers are removed. In all the chicken shops this is the method. Is it permissible to eat this before taking impure parts? Secondly, feather removed by hand instead of using hot water and then roasted to removed small leftover feathers before taking out impure parts, is it permissible?

Slaughtering chicken

Q: I want to ask that if during chicken slaughter, the head is mistakenly detached from the body, is the chicken halaal if it was slaughtered according to shariah? Secondly after how much time can it be cooked and prepared?

Stunning of animals

Q: Almost all Halaal Certifying Bodies appear to condone the stunning of animals and even chickens prior to slaughtering. But what is the Shariah aspect in this respect? Is it simply deemed an undesirable practice but not explicitly permitted or condoned?

Steak in South Africa

Q: Recently I have been hearing that the steak in South Africa is doubtful. It is said that the animals are stunned, and many die before the actual slaughtering. What can you say about this?

It is said to be kept on the low for now, but this is an important matter.