Factors that make Qurbaani waajib

Qurbaani if one has debts

Q: I'm from Hyderabad, India and currently reside in Doha (from last March). The thing is I was in Saudi Arabia for 6 years and from December 2011 my toughest period of life started, Alhamulillah, I'm now quite fine. The thing is I was jobless, without any salary from December 2011 till 28th Feb 2013, which is more than 14 months of joblessness. During this time, I dipped into deep financial crisis and had to borrow money from nears & dears for me and my wife/son's survival. Alhamdulillah, to this day, I've repaid the debts of 4 persons out of 10. Insha Allah I hope to clear off the remaining debts too. My question now is am I eligble for Qurbaani? Can I opt for Qurbaani in A cow instead of sheep? Please advise me.

Performing waajib qurbaani on behalf of someone else without their permission

Q: A son makes qurbani for his mother living abroad. That night he phones his mother and informs her that he has made quarbani for her. The mother is delighted, expresses gratitude and thanks the son profusely. Is the qurbani valid or was it necessary to have first obtained the mother’s prior consent?