Sunnats & Aadaab of Qurbaani

Doing a blood test during the first ten days of Zul Hijjah

Q: I have a question regarding the first ten days of Zul Hijjah.

I'm going to perform qurbaani inshallah and I heard that I can't cut my hair and nails for 10 days before qurbaani. I have an appointment to give blood for testing and I was wondering if this is permissible or is it haram like cutting hair and nails in the first 10 days of Zul Hijjah ?

Cutting one's nails and hair after one's qurbaani animal is slaughtered in another country

Q: A person refrains from cutting his nails/hair due to performing qurbani.

He follows Saudi for Eid (20th of July) whilst his wakeel doing the qurbani for him does so on Eid day in India (21st of July).

Does he therefore need to spend his Eid with long nails etc until the wakeel has slaughtered his animal the next day? If so, he also has no way of finding out what time of the day on the 21st the animal will be slaughtered, so how does he know what time of the day to cut the nails/hair?

Is there more reward in doing qurbaani locally or abroad?

Q: My husband is a student of deen and his parents help us for our living. I do teach and get a monthly salary alhmdulillah. From it I give 2/3 and keep 1/3 for me.

Now for qurbaani I wanted to do it here in South Africa but my husband said "the best in reward" is that I do in another country cheaper and give the extra with the 2/3. I do not mind giving.

My question is as follow: Will I get more thawaab in doing qurbaani here in South Africa or in doing somewhere else cheaper and giving the extra of my qurbaani budget to help with the expenses?