
Making the condition that the husband cannot take a second wife

Q: I am planning to get married and proposed for a certain girl. The girl whom I want to marry said that if I accept the condition of not taking a second wife in the future, then she will marry me. Personally, I also do not want to take a second wife in the future. I want to spend my life with my first wife till I die. The question is: can we make the condition of not taking a second wife in the future at the time of the nikaah?

Uttering the word divorce without addressing the wife

Q: If a man utters the word "divorce" not for the purpose of his wife's divorce neither was he addressing her at a time when it was uttered. However when it was uttered a thought of his wife came in his mind. Will it constitute divorce ? It was uttered without any purpose. He was not addressing his wife. He had no intention of referring it to his wife. However when it was uttered a thought of his wife occurred in his mind in a flash and disappeared. Now he is worried.

Wife's father demanding money from her

Q: My wife was abandoned by her father when she was 15. and then sought by her father again when she was in her 20's. just because of the reason he was sick. Since then he has been regularly taking money from her. Recently he sold the family house and did not give her anything, and moved to another city and bought a house, knowing well that she cannot come to that city often , because it is far and also because of her job. but her father is regualarly pressurizing to come to that city and also regularly taking money from her. I would like to emphasize that he gives the money away which he takes from her and also the money from the sold house he had left over he is constantly giving that away too. This has been going on before i got married to her. she has three children from her previous marriage. Her father has never treated her as a daughter, but only as a source of money.

Now my wifes daughter is sick and her father is telling her to come to his city. In this scenario who should she prefer, her sick daughter (who is 12 years old) or the father. Her father is again blackmailing her that he is sick or something. I would also like to point out that his father also has his wife with him (who is my wifes step mother) and also relatives in that city. But he insist her to come every month and along with giving him money he demands gifts from her.

Also whenever he calls her or when she goes there, he demands from her to get a divorce from me, because i am abroad. This a brief scenario, Am i within my rights in the light of Islam to forbid her to go to him?

Saving money for one's family's safety and well being

Q: Can I accept to take some of my wifes savings to bear all the visa expenses including residense, rent, etc. this year? I am married since 2 years. Me and my wife do job. She is a teacher in homeland. While I work abroad (middle east). I give pocket money to my wife every month, as well as food expense separately to my joint family. I get one month leave to visit my family in a year. Two times I brought my wife on visit visa in two years. This year I have plan to save some money and to buy some property in my homeland in future, hence not to invite my wife this time, but she agreed to pay all expenses on her own, which I didn't agree. As I don't feel comfortable to get any of her earnings, because of her talking many times that she strongly feels that, her earning is totally for her. On the other hand she taunts me many times that I don't save enough money to get some property. What should I do?

Secretly giving one's wife extra money

Q: Sometimes I secretly replace my wife's money from her purse with a bigger amount. For example, if she had R50, I take the R50 for myself and replace it with a R100 without her knowing in order to surprise her. When she comes to know of a bigger amount, I lie to her and tell her it was miracle that took place from the side of Allah. It really pleases her when she hears stuff like this, miracles etc. 

My questions are:

1. Am I guilty of the sin of lying?

2. By me replacing her money with a larger amount, is this regarded as Ribaa?

Marital issues

Q: Is it wrong for me to stay away from my wife because she will not wear hijab? I told her that she should wear hijab nicely and I encourage her by teaching her how important it is. After I realized that she does not want to change, I stopped seeing her.

Also, before marriage she told me that she would do it. Alhumduallah I have changed a lot since marriage and I don't want to support her sins as I am responsible for it. Since I stopped seeing her, she got upset and now she likes to ignore me at times.

Also is it wrong for her to be very close to and hang out with her male cousins? She also sends them pictures without hijab daily with sweet text messages. I asked her to stop and she won't.