
Showing kindness to one's wife and mother

Q: I have a question regarding the wife and mother. There is no problem between my mom and my wife, my wife just dont want anybody to come to our house for living. My mom is very sick and I am taking care of her in my house as being her child. I did not ask my wife to take care of my mother except cooking regular food which is normal. I am having such a big problem for no reason, she is not talking to me nor talking to my parents. I am not happy with my wife.

Can you please guide me what sharia says about this case or what should I do, should I let my mom get sick or let my wife go?

Wife asking the husband for divorce and husband responding with "Ok, fine"

Q: If a woman says to her husband that "okay if you don't want to live with me than divorce me, the husband replied, "Ok, fine" ... does it imply talaq? If yes, than considering the ignorance of the husband that he doesn't know that saying this establishes talaq, still will it be considered as talaq?

Second question, if a husband says to his wife that I don't consider you as my wife. What does it mean? Is this also considered as talaq?

Being married to a woman and her niece at the same time

Q: I want to marry my wife's niece who is 25 years old. I am 35 years old. I know that I cannot have both at the same time, but I have heard that one can marry another woman without giving divorce if he and his current wife have mutual consent not to have any physical relations. Please tell me if I can marry my wife's niece as I stopped all physical relationship with my current wife.

How does one determine what type of talaaq is issued?

Q: How does one determine that a person issued a particular type of talaaq to his wife. If a talaaq is used as 'I divorce you' how does the poor wife know if this is a talaaq-e-raj'ee (revocable talaaq) or talaaq-baain (irrevocable talaaq). Does it depend on the intention in the heart of the husband and if so how does the wife know which type of talaaq is issued?