
Wife giving ghusal to her deceased husband while in the state of haidh

Q: When a woman is in her haidh, she is not supposed to go near a deceased person. However, what if someone's husband passed away and he passed away at such a place where there is no male to do his ghusl. His mahram women are with him (his mother and sister). His wife is also present there, however she is on her haidh. Who will get the preference of doing his ghusl? Should the mother do the ghusl or shall the wife do the ghusl?

Serving one's ailing mother

Q: What should a person do in the situation where he needs to bring his ailing mother into his home so that he can look after her, but his wife is unhappy with this? He has explained to his wife that he will look after his mother and tend to her, yet she is still upset and refuses to speak to him. What does Shari’ah instruct in this situation?

Husband preventing his wife from serving her terminally ill parents

Q: Is it permissible for a husband to prevent his wife from visiting her terminally ill parents who live near her home and are in need of her khidmat as there is no one else to make their khidmat? If she goes to make khidmat of her ailing parents against her husband’s instruction, will she be sinful? What does Shari’ah command her to do in such a situation?

Wife wishing to serve her parents

Q: My question is that my son is married and is living in another town which is half way between us and his in laws. He wants to move back to where we are living but his wife's does not want to move as she feels that she has a duty to live near her parents as she is the oldest and has no brothers. In Islam, should she obey her husband as to where he wants to live and accept it or does she have any other rights? There is no restriction to her as she is free to meet her parents as she wishes.

Wife asking for a divorce

Q: If a husband and wife are fighting and the wife asks for a divorce but the husband has no intention to give divorce and remains silent, then the wife again says that I can't live with you and husband unintentionally says okay but no intention of divorce at all. Now the wife said to him that since you said okay to my statement, our marriage is over. Please explain if it is a divorce even if the husband did not utter anything except okay. If it is a divorce then how many take place? 


Q: If a man passes away leaving behind his wife as his only inheritor, how would the inheritance be distributed? Would it make a difference if he also had a maternal aunt (mother's sister)?

الخيانة من الزوجة

س: السلام عليكم و رحمة الله . سيدي العزيز . أنا رجل قد تعرضت للخيانة من زوجتي و صديقي و إكتشفت ذلك مؤخراً بعد أن رأيت صور لها على الكمبيوتر الخاص به و إعتراف منه و هي قد كذبت عندما واجهتها بالحقيقة ومع الحلفان بالله كذباً و هي مستمرة بالكذب في هذا الموضوع و هي ليست عندي الآن و لي منها طفلان و قد حرمتني من رؤيتهم أو حتى التكلم معهم هاتفياً و طبعاً هذه العلاقة بينهم حرام من عند الله و أفعالهم قد دمرتني مادياً و نفسياً و معنوياً و بكل الأمور و الله يعلم كيف أصبح حالي الآن و المشكلة أنني أسكن في دولة أوروبية ألمانيا و قد أصابني الهم و الغم و الحزن فأنا بلا طعام منذ ايام فقط الماء و ملعقة من العسل صغيرة و ضاق صدري و لا أدري ماذا أعمل ؟أرجو توجيهي لأي شيء فأنا أريد أطفالي و مع أنني شهدت خيانة زوجتي لكن في قلبي بعض الحب لها و هي تعتبرني عدو بالطبع لتحقيق أهداف في رأسها تضعها و غالباً لكي تبقى دون حسيب او رقيب مع العلم ليس لديها أقارب لها في هذه الدولة . فيا شيخي الكريم أكرمنا و أكرمك الله وحهني ماذا أفعل و هل يجوز إن تابت أن أعيدها إلى بيتي و ماذا عن حرماني من أطفالي ؟؟ و شكرا لك و السلام عليكم و رحمه الله