sick person

Husband preventing his wife from serving her terminally ill parents

Q: Is it permissible for a husband to prevent his wife from visiting her terminally ill parents who live near her home and are in need of her khidmat as there is no one else to make their khidmat? If she goes to make khidmat of her ailing parents against her husband’s instruction, will she be sinful? What does Shari’ah command her to do in such a situation?

Tilaawat of Quraan for shifa


1. Is it permissible to gift ibaadah or send Esaale Thawab to the living? E.g.. Durood Sharif and Tilawah of Quran, Nafl Salaah?

2. Can tilawah of Quraan be made for shifa of a sick person? Will the reward of the Quran Tilawah go to them? Or through the Barkat of the Quran Allah Ta'ala will grant them shifa?

3. If one begins a khatam of Quran with niyyat of shifa for a sick person, can they make niyyat for more than 1 person and add all marhooms?

4. Should one inform the sick person that they completed a khatam with niyyat for their shifa?

 5. Please explain how Esaale Thawaab and tilawah of Quran for shifa is done. 

Foregoing Salaah due to illness

Q: My father is 92 years old and suffered a stroke about a year ago. The stroke left him weak on one side, he is now not able to control his urine and hence he messes himself. So he now wears diapers. My father had been living with my sister and brother in-law until last month. He now lives with me in Cape Town. I have just learnt that my father hasn’t performed any Salaah for the past year. He says he can’t perform any Salaah because he is always in the state of impurity because he messes himself and he has to wear a diaper. What is the Islamic ruling in regard to this matter?

Living together without walimah

Q: My brother had nikah in a situation where his mother in-law was suffering from cancer and passed away one week before marriage so he had no walima done. Now after Ramdhaan my mother got seriously ill and had to opt for lumbar spine. She has to be in bed for at least three months. We are three siblings, two sisters and brother. Both sisters also married. Is it allowed for my brother to bring his wife without walima to look after my mother?

Helping sick people with zakaat money

Q: May I please ask your advice on two matters with regards to Zakaat.

a) My wives uncle recently had both his legs amputated. He is an elderly 78 year old man with two unmarried daughters (both working) and a son. He has a house. They are living from hand to mouth and come from the poor community. Am I allowed to use my zakaat funds to purchase needy medical equipment that he requires, like a hospital bed, a wheelchair etc?

b) In our community there is a lady who has also had both her legs amputated. She lives in a small backyard room. No income. Are we allowed to assist her in settling some monthly accounts like electricity, food, groceries etc with our zakaat funds?